OpenIRIS Resources

CantoII "Thalia"
Name: CantoII "Thalia"
Resource type: Flow Cytometry Analyzer
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Instrument configuration (download)


You need to be registered and trained to use this instrument.


Cancel your booking at least 24 hours ahead of your booking to avoid charges.

Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Mass Cytometry (CyTOF) - Sample Acquisition
Name: Mass Cytometry (CyTOF) - Sample Acquisition
Resource type: Mass Cytometry
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Flow Cytometry and Mass Spectrometry fell in love and a new technology was born: Mass Cytometry, the best of both worlds.

As in conventional flow cytometry, cells within a heterogeneous sample are analysed on the single cell level for a multitude of parameters. However, instead of using fluorochrome-labelled antibodies to bind to the antigen of interest and being limited to the number of spectrally resolvable fluorochromes, mass cytometry uses metal isotope-labelled antibodies that are analysed by their time-of-flight (TOF). This allows for the analysis of currently >40 parameters per cell and a deep profiling of phenotype and function of cells.

Comments: Please request a project meeting at least 6 weeks before start of a new project to get access.
You can check
CyTOF2/Helios availability before submitting a request, but be aware that not every available slot will fit for your specific measurement.
Operating hours: tue-thu 10:00-20:30, fr 10:00-17:30
Sample Acquisition Template: download
Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

MRT1 - Siemens Prisma 3T
Name: MRT1 - Siemens Prisma 3T
Resource type: Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
Provider: BCAN (Berlin Center for Advanced Neuroimaging)BCAN (Berlin Center for Advanced Neuroimaging)
Affiliations: Charité
Description: The Magnetom Trio is Powered by the Tim Technology that allows you to achieve the highest level of image quality for your patients. With this MRI system, you are able to streamline your planning and processing and be able to diagnose your patient’s most challenging diseases very quickly with confidence. This system delivers high gradient performance that is needed for the most demanding MRI applications.

Important documents:


Comments: Access to the MRI machine is only granted upon registration of a study here (after login) or here. If the study you are working for is already registered with us, you can ask the responsible person to be added as a participant.

Bookings have to be approved by the facility (indicated by '-'). You will receive an email once your booking is approved.
Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzer:innen Studienleiter:innen verpflichten sich, folgende Regeln einzuhalten:

  • Alle Vorschriften der aktuellen Version dieser Messordnung sind beim Betrieb der MRTs am BCAN einzuhalten. Die Anleitungen und Anweisungen im Siemens-Betriebshandbuch des MRT sind zu beachten.

  • Das MRT darf nur in Anwesenheit von zwei durch das BCAN zertifizierten Nutzern betrieben werden, von denen einer Advanced User sein muss und der andere Advanced User oder Basic User sein kann. 

  • Basic User sind berechtigt zur Begleitung eines Advanced Users, dürfen aber nicht selbständig messen. Die Advanced User und Basic User führen die Messungen im Auftrag ihres Studienleiters durch. 

  • Ein Advanced User übernimmt zu Beginn einer Messung die Verantwortung für die Einhaltung aller Nutzerregeln. Sollten mehrere Advanced User an der Messung beteiligt sein, ist vor Beginn der Messung die für die Messung verantwortliche Person festzulegen.

  • Vor Beginn jeder Messung müssen alle Nutzer das Logbuch lesen, um über Betriebsänderungen auf dem Laufenden gehalten zu werden. Abweichungen vom Standard-Setup und andere Auffälligkeiten sind in das Logbuch einzutragen.

  • Der Gesundheit von Probanden und Patienten ist absolute Priorität einzuräumen.

  • Probanden und Patienten sind vor der Messung durch den Advanced User bzw. einen approbierten Arzt über die Gefahren der anstehenden Messung aufzuklären. Dazu ist eine schriftliche Einverständniserklärung einzuholen, die durch den Studienleiter zu archivieren ist. Probanden und Patienten sind vor der Studienteilnahme über die möglichen Konsequenzen von Zufallsbefunden aufzuklären.

  • Der Studienleiter hat zu gewährleisten, dass die Kommunikation zwischen Advanced User und Proband nicht durch sprachliche Hindernisse beeinträchtigt wird (z.B. bei ausländischen Probanden oder Advanced Usern).

  • Patienten, Probanden und alle beteiligten Mitarbeiter sind vor dem Betreten der HF-Kabine einem sorgfältigen Metall-Check zu unterziehen, wie im Aufklärungsbogen ausgeführt. Die Einhaltung der MRT-Ausschlusskriterien des BCAN sowie zusätzliche Kriterien der Ethikkommission ist durch den Advanced User zu gewährleisten.

  • Der Basic User und Advanced User Status muss einmal pro Kalenderjahr erneuert werden, ansonsten erlischt er.

  • Die MRTs und die zugehörige Technik sind in einwandfreiem Zustand zu halten und Störungen und Defekte sofort den Betreibern zu melden.

  • Es dürfen weder magnetische oder magnetisierbare Gegenstände noch irgendwelche technischen Geräte ohne Rücksprache mit der MR-Physik in die HF-Kabine mitgenommen werden.

  • Die Messung ist sorgfältig im fortlaufenden Protokollblatt zu dokumentieren, inklusive aller Auffälligkeiten, Störungen und Gerätedefekte.

  • Die erhobenen Daten sind sorgfältig und vollständig zu archivieren, und die Datenschutzvorschriften der Charité für medizinische Daten sind einzuhalten. Insbesondere sind alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Weitergabe der Daten an Unbefugte zu verhindern.

  • Nur solche Probanden dürfen gescannt werden, die (1) krankenversichert sind und die (2) sich schriftlich bereit erklären, sich über Zufallsbefunde informieren zu lassen. Probanden sind darüber aufzuklären, dass bei Zufallsbefunden ein radiologischer Facharzt innerhalb der Charité zur Beurteilung der Daten hinzugezogen werden kann. Eine Abklärung von Zufallsbefunden ist zügig durchzuführen. Das Vorgehen ist mit der Leitung des BCAN abzustimmen. Probanden sind vor der Messung über nachteilige Konsequenzen von Zufallsbefunden (z.B. bei privater Krankenversichung oder Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung)  aufzuklären.

  • Bei Patientenstudien ist ein verantwortlicher Arzt einzubeziehen. Die erhobenen MRT-Daten von Patienten sind der neuroradiologischen Befundung zukommen zu lassen.

  • Die Studienleiter erhalten Schlüssel/Transponder-Zugang zu MRT-Räumen und MRT-Kabine. Die Studienleiter haben Sorge zu tragen, dass keine Unbefugten zu den MRT-Räumen Zugang haben. Zugang ist nur erlaubt für den Advanced User selbst, für an der Studie beteiligte Mitarbeiter, die selbst alle Basic User Status haben müssen, und für die zu messenden Probanden und Patienten. Besucher müssen vor dem Betreten der MRT-Räume einen Besucheraufklärungsbogen ausfüllen und sie müssen durch den Advanced User eine MRT-Gefahrenaufklärung bekommen. Sie dürfen die MRT-Kabine nicht betreten. 

  • Bei Auslaufen des Advanced User Status muss der Nutzer alle Schlüssel für das BCAN an das BCAN-Sekretariat unaufgefordert zurückgeben.

  • Minderjährige Probanden dürfen nur nach vorheriger Rücksprache mit den Betreibern gescannt werden. Dabei ist das positive Ethikvotum vorzulegen. Der Versuchsleiter hat dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass alle ethischen juristischen, technischen und versicherungsrechtlichen  Besonderheiten für Studien mit Minderjährigen berücksichtigt werden.

  • Gebuchte Messzeit muss voll bezahlt werden, es sei denn, sie wird mindestens 48 Stunden vorher storniert. Für die 48 Stunden sind nur Werktage (ohne Samstag) anzurechnen. Die Arbeitsgruppen bemühen sich im Interesse aller Nutzer, nicht benötigte Messzeit möglichst frühzeitig abzusagen.

  • Personen, die unter Einfluss von Alkohol oder Drogen sowie Personen, deren Fähigkeit zum Bedienen von Maschinen durch Medikamente beeinträchtigt ist (z.B. Psychopharmaka, Schmerzmittel) dürfen die MRT-Geräte am BCAN nicht bedienen (weder als Advanced noch als Basic User).

  • Schwangere dürfen die HF-Kabine nicht betreten (dies gilt für Besucher, Probanden, Patienten und Advanced und Basic User).

  • Bei Publikationen, in die Messungen oder andere Dienstleistungen des BCAN einfließen, ist das BCAN im Abschnitt „Acknowledgements“ anzugeben: „MR-imaging for this study was performed at the Berlin Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (BCAN)“.

Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

MRT2 - Siemens Prisma 3T
Name: MRT2 - Siemens Prisma 3T
Resource type: Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
Provider: BCAN (Berlin Center for Advanced Neuroimaging)BCAN (Berlin Center for Advanced Neuroimaging)
Affiliations: Charité
Description: The Magnetom Trio is Powered by the Tim Technology that allows you to achieve the highest level of image quality for your patients. With this MRI system, you are able to streamline your planning and processing and be able to diagnose your patient’s most challenging diseases very quickly with confidence. This system delivers high gradient performance that is needed for the most demanding MRI applications.

Important documents:


Comments: Access to the MRI machine is only granted upon registration of a study here (after login) or here. If the study you are working for is already registered with us, you can ask the responsible person to be added as a participant.

Bookings have to be approved by the facility (indicated by '-'). You will receive an email once your booking is approved.
Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzer:innen Studienleiter:innen verpflichten sich, folgende Regeln einzuhalten:

  • Alle Vorschriften der aktuellen Version dieser Messordnung sind beim Betrieb der MRTs am BCAN einzuhalten. Die Anleitungen und Anweisungen im Siemens-Betriebshandbuch des MRT sind zu beachten.

  • Das MRT darf nur in Anwesenheit von zwei durch das BCAN zertifizierten Nutzern betrieben werden, von denen einer Advanced User sein muss und der andere Advanced User oder Basic User sein kann. 

  • Basic User sind berechtigt zur Begleitung eines Advanced Users, dürfen aber nicht selbständig messen. Die Advanced User und Basic User führen die Messungen im Auftrag ihres Studienleiters durch. 

  • Ein Advanced User übernimmt zu Beginn einer Messung die Verantwortung für die Einhaltung aller Nutzerregeln. Sollten mehrere Advanced User an der Messung beteiligt sein, ist vor Beginn der Messung die für die Messung verantwortliche Person festzulegen.

  • Vor Beginn jeder Messung müssen alle Nutzer das Logbuch lesen, um über Betriebsänderungen auf dem Laufenden gehalten zu werden. Abweichungen vom Standard-Setup und andere Auffälligkeiten sind in das Logbuch einzutragen.

  • Der Gesundheit von Probanden und Patienten ist absolute Priorität einzuräumen.

  • Probanden und Patienten sind vor der Messung durch den Advanced User bzw. einen approbierten Arzt über die Gefahren der anstehenden Messung aufzuklären. Dazu ist eine schriftliche Einverständniserklärung einzuholen, die durch den Studienleiter zu archivieren ist. Probanden und Patienten sind vor der Studienteilnahme über die möglichen Konsequenzen von Zufallsbefunden aufzuklären.

  • Der Studienleiter hat zu gewährleisten, dass die Kommunikation zwischen Advanced User und Proband nicht durch sprachliche Hindernisse beeinträchtigt wird (z.B. bei ausländischen Probanden oder Advanced Usern).

  • Patienten, Probanden und alle beteiligten Mitarbeiter sind vor dem Betreten der HF-Kabine einem sorgfältigen Metall-Check zu unterziehen, wie im Aufklärungsbogen ausgeführt. Die Einhaltung der MRT-Ausschlusskriterien des BCAN sowie zusätzliche Kriterien der Ethikkommission ist durch den Advanced User zu gewährleisten.

  • Der Basic User und Advanced User Status muss einmal pro Kalenderjahr erneuert werden, ansonsten erlischt er.

  • Die MRTs und die zugehörige Technik sind in einwandfreiem Zustand zu halten und Störungen und Defekte sofort den Betreibern zu melden.

  • Es dürfen weder magnetische oder magnetisierbare Gegenstände noch irgendwelche technischen Geräte ohne Rücksprache mit der MR-Physik in die HF-Kabine mitgenommen werden.

  • Die Messung ist sorgfältig im fortlaufenden Protokollblatt zu dokumentieren, inklusive aller Auffälligkeiten, Störungen und Gerätedefekte.

  • Die erhobenen Daten sind sorgfältig und vollständig zu archivieren, und die Datenschutzvorschriften der Charité für medizinische Daten sind einzuhalten. Insbesondere sind alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Weitergabe der Daten an Unbefugte zu verhindern.

  • Nur solche Probanden dürfen gescannt werden, die (1) krankenversichert sind und die (2) sich schriftlich bereit erklären, sich über Zufallsbefunde informieren zu lassen. Probanden sind darüber aufzuklären, dass bei Zufallsbefunden ein radiologischer Facharzt innerhalb der Charité zur Beurteilung der Daten hinzugezogen werden kann. Eine Abklärung von Zufallsbefunden ist zügig durchzuführen. Das Vorgehen ist mit der Leitung des BCAN abzustimmen. Probanden sind vor der Messung über nachteilige Konsequenzen von Zufallsbefunden (z.B. bei privater Krankenversichung oder Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung)  aufzuklären.

  • Bei Patientenstudien ist ein verantwortlicher Arzt einzubeziehen. Die erhobenen MRT-Daten von Patienten sind der neuroradiologischen Befundung zukommen zu lassen.

  • Die Studienleiter erhalten Schlüssel/Transponder-Zugang zu MRT-Räumen und MRT-Kabine. Die Studienleiter haben Sorge zu tragen, dass keine Unbefugten zu den MRT-Räumen Zugang haben. Zugang ist nur erlaubt für den Advanced User selbst, für an der Studie beteiligte Mitarbeiter, die selbst alle Basic User Status haben müssen, und für die zu messenden Probanden und Patienten. Besucher müssen vor dem Betreten der MRT-Räume einen Besucheraufklärungsbogen ausfüllen und sie müssen durch den Advanced User eine MRT-Gefahrenaufklärung bekommen. Sie dürfen die MRT-Kabine nicht betreten. 

  • Bei Auslaufen des Advanced User Status muss der Nutzer alle Schlüssel für das BCAN an das BCAN-Sekretariat unaufgefordert zurückgeben.

  • Minderjährige Probanden dürfen nur nach vorheriger Rücksprache mit den Betreibern gescannt werden. Dabei ist das positive Ethikvotum vorzulegen. Der Versuchsleiter hat dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass alle ethischen juristischen, technischen und versicherungsrechtlichen  Besonderheiten für Studien mit Minderjährigen berücksichtigt werden.

  • Gebuchte Messzeit muss voll bezahlt werden, es sei denn, sie wird mindestens 48 Stunden vorher storniert. Für die 48 Stunden sind nur Werktage (ohne Samstag) anzurechnen. Die Arbeitsgruppen bemühen sich im Interesse aller Nutzer, nicht benötigte Messzeit möglichst frühzeitig abzusagen.

  • Personen, die unter Einfluss von Alkohol oder Drogen sowie Personen, deren Fähigkeit zum Bedienen von Maschinen durch Medikamente beeinträchtigt ist (z.B. Psychopharmaka, Schmerzmittel) dürfen die MRT-Geräte am BCAN nicht bedienen (weder als Advanced noch als Basic User).

  • Schwangere dürfen die HF-Kabine nicht betreten (dies gilt für Besucher, Probanden, Patienten und Advanced und Basic User).

  • Bei Publikationen, in die Messungen oder andere Dienstleistungen des BCAN einfließen, ist das BCAN im Abschnitt „Acknowledgements“ anzugeben: „MR-imaging for this study was performed at the Berlin Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (BCAN)“.

Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Paraffin embedding center
Name: Paraffin embedding center
Resource type: Embedding Station
Provider: iPATH.BerliniPATH.Berlin
Affiliations: Charité

All modules of the embedding station operate at the same working height and are arranged according to lab requirements. The system with separate temperature control elements consists of a dispensing element, a preheating unit and a separate cooling plate. We provide moulds and forceps.



Please contact us via email (see contacts) if you are interested in using the instrument. You will receive a short introduction prior to getting access to the instrument.

Booking slot duration: 30 - 90 min

Free cancellation of bookings at least 24 hours before start.

Provider UsagePolicy:



Gültig ab 01.Januar 2021



Die zentrale Forschungseinrichtung iPATH.Berlin – Immunpathologie für Experimentelle Modelle ist eine translationale Einrichtung als Teil der Forschungsinfrastruktur der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (im folgenden Charité genannt) zur Unterstützung von Arbeiten mit experimentellen Modellen für menschliche Erkrankungen in der Biomedizin.



§1 Allgemeines

  1. Die iPATH.Berlin ist Teil der zentralen Forschungsdienstleister der Charité. Sie ist am Campus Benjamin Franklin lokalisiert.
  2. Die iPATH.Berlin stellt sicher, dass alle Erfordernisse guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und des Datenschutzes berücksichtigt werden. Die Sicherung der Einhaltung ethischer Standards in den Experimenten obliegt den Auftraggebenden.
  3. Die iPATH.Berlin stellt ihre Leistungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Charité zur Verfügung.


§2 Ziele und Aufgaben

  1. Im Sinne einer Dienstleistung werden eingesandte Gewebeproben unabhängig von der Kenntnis des experimentellen Aufbaus („geblindet“) bearbeitet und bewertet. Dazu werden innerhalb der iPATH.Berlin histopathologische Techniken stetig weiterentwickelt und standardisiert.
  2. öffentlich zugänglich gemacht (


§3 Ordnung

  1. Die Nutzerordnung regelt:

    -      die Organisation von Dienstleistungen und die Forschung der iPATH.Berlin, einschließlich damit verbundener Arbeitsabläufe.

    -      die Beziehungen zu Auftraggebenden.

  2. Die Nutzerordnung wird durch die wissenschaftliche Leitung der iPATH.Berlin in Abstimmung mit dem Prodekanat für Forschung beschlossen und aktualisiert. Die verbindliche aktuelle Version ist im Webauftritt der iPATH.Berlin veröffentlicht.
  3. Die Nutzerordnung ist für alle Auftraggebenden verbindlich.


§4 Leitung und Koordination

Die iPATH.Berlin wird durch eine verantwortliche Leitung organisiert und vertreten.



§5 Dienstleistungen

  1. Im Routinebetrieb bietet die iPATH.Berlin Dienstleistungen in den folgenden Komplexen an:
    1. Vorbehandeln von Probenmaterial
    2. Anfertigen von Paraffinblöcken (FFPE-Material) und Nachbearbeiten von Proben bei ungenügender Fixierung, Beschriftung oder Blockfertigung.
    3. Anfertigen von Paraffin- oder Gefrierschnitten.
    4. Histochemische Standard- und Sonderfärbungen von Paraffin- oder Gefrierschnitten nach etablierten Protokollen.
    5. Etablieren von Protokollen für Färbungen mittels (Immun)histochemie, Immunfluoreszenz und in situ-Hybridisierung.
    6. Beurteilen der Histomorphologie aus Hämatoxylin und Eosin (H&E)-gefärbten Schnitten.
    7. Manuelle oder computergestützte Auswertung histopathologischer Färbungen.
    8. Bereitstellen von Fotos und Abbildungen.
    9. Langzeitlagerung (bis zu maximal 10 Jahren) von FFPE-Material.
    10. Langzeitlagerung (bis zu maximal 3 Jahren) von Gefriermaterial.
    11. Kurzzeitlagerung und Versenden von FFPE- oder Gefriermaterial bzw. Rücksenden von Probengefäßen.
  2. Die Leistungen gemäß §5(1) sind in einem Leistungskatalog weiter spezifiziert. Der aktuelle Leistungskatalog ist im Webauftritt der iPATH.Berlin verfügbar.


§6 Übergabe von Probenmaterial

  1. Proben können entweder persönlich arbeitstäglich zwischen 9 und 15 Uhr oder per Post bzw. Kurier in die iPATH.Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin, Haus 5011, Raum E812 (= Postanschrift) gebracht werden.
  2. Eine Sendung mit dem Probenmaterial ist nur vollständig, wenn die Leistungen über OpenIRIS angefordert wurden (
  3. Toxisches, humanpathogenes und/oder radioaktives Probenmaterial wird nicht bearbeitet. Auftraggebende haften für die Richtigkeit der Angaben.


§7 Bearbeitungszeit und Übermittlung der Ergebnisse

  1. Die Bearbeitung der Proben erfolgt nach Datum des Probeneingangs. Diese Abfolge kann nach Absprache mit der Leitung der iPATH.Berlin geändert werden.
  2. Die Länge der Bearbeitungszeit wird bestimmt durch das aktuelle Gesamtprobenaufkommen, Art und Umfang der beauftragten Leistungen sowie der Verfügbarkeit der benötigten Reagenzien.
  3. Auftraggebende erhalten die Ergebnisse im vereinbarten Umfang per E-Mail oder via Datenwolke. Die iPATH.Berlin ist für den Verbleib der Daten nicht verantwortlich.


§8 Rücksendung von Probenmaterial

  1. Eine Rücksendung von Probenmaterial an Auftraggebende muss mittels Leistungsanforderung beauftragt werden. Das Material wird kostenpflichtig an die angegebene Adresse versandt.
  2. Zehn Werktage nach dem Versenden der E-Mail mit den Ergebnissen aus einem Auftrag beginnt automatisch die kostenpflichtige Langzeitlagerung der Proben aus diesem Auftrag. Es gelten die Preise aus dem aktuellen Leistungskatalog.


§9 Kosten für Dienstleistungen

  1. 1.     Die Kosten für Dienstleistungen der iPATH.Berlin sind in einem Leistungskatalog veröffentlicht.
  2. verfügbar.
  3. Die Abrechnung erfolgt quartalsweise mit Rechnungstellung im April, Juli, September und Dezember.
  4. Die Kosten für Lagerung und Versand werden jährlich erhoben.
  5. Dienstleistungen der iPATH.Berlin können als Sachbeihilfe bei Drittmittelgebern beantragt werden. Die iPATH.Berlin erstellt für Projektanträge Kostenabschätzungen auf der Basis des Leistungskatalogs in der jeweils aktuellen Fassung.
  6. Die Preise für das Leistungsangebot werden in regelmäßigen Abständen der Kostenentwicklung angepasst.


§10 Veröffentlichung von Daten

  1. Die Sicherung und Archivierung der durch die iPATH.Berlin übermittelten Daten obliegt den Auftraggebenden.
  2. Generell behält sich die iPATH.Berlin auf alle von ihr generierten Daten das Urheberrecht vor.
  3. Bei Routineanalysen gemäß §5(1), die keine zusätzliche Bewertung beziehungsweise intensive Beratung enthalten, geht das Urheberrecht mit der Bezahlung der Leistung auf den Auftraggebenden über. In wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen in denen solche Daten verwendet werden, ist die Leistung der iPATH.Berlin in den Materials and Methods oder in den Acknowledgments mit folgendem Wortlaut zu vermerken. „Histopathological analysis was provided by the iPATH.Berlin ‑ Immunopathology for Experimental Models, core unit of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Berlin, Germany).”
  4. Die Veröffentlichung von Daten, die im Rahmen vereinbarter Kooperationen generiert wurden und von Arbeiten infolge eingehender Beratung z.B. bei der Projektplanung oder Datenauswertung wird empfohlen, den intellektuellen Beitrag der iPATH.Berlin durch Autorenschaft(en) zu würdigen.


§11 Gültigkeit

  1. Die Nutzerordnung gilt ab dem 01. Januar 2021 und ersetzt die Nutzerordnung in der Fassung vom 01.01.2018.
  2. Änderungen in der Nutzerordnung bedürfen der Zustimmung der Leitung der iPATH.Berlin und dem Prodekanat für Forschung.



PD Dr. Anja A. Kühl
Leitung der iPATH.Berlin



Prof. Dr. Christian Hagemeier

Prodekan für Forschung



Berlin, den 01.01.2021

Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Benjamin Franklin (CBF), Berlin

Tecnai G2 20
Name: Tecnai G2 20
Resource type: Electron Microscope
Provider: Core Facility for Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Suitable for high resolution EM, cryo-EM and tomography.
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM) and Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

Leo TEM 906
Name: Leo TEM 906
Resource type: Electron Microscope
Provider: Core Facility for Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Suitable for standard ultrastructural analysis.
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM) and Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

Gemini SEM 300
Name: Gemini SEM 300
Resource type: Electron Microscope
Provider: Core Facility for Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Suitable for standard ultrastructural analysis.
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM) and Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

11. AMBIO Nikon Scanning Confocal A1Rsi+
Name: 11. AMBIO Nikon Scanning Confocal A1Rsi+
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging modes


Lasers and max. intensities out of 60x oil objective


Emission Filters




















WD [μm]



Plan Achroat






Plan Apo










DIC N2 λ S


Plan Apo






Plan Flour






Plan Apo








Comments: New users - access upon training request 
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

13. AMBIO Nikon Spinning Disk Confocal CSU-X
Name: 13. AMBIO Nikon Spinning Disk Confocal CSU-X
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging modes

  • Spinning disk confocal (DAPI, GFP, mCherry, Cy5)
  • FRAP/ PA (photo activation/ conversion)
  • Live-cell incubator (temperature, CO2, humidity)

Lasers and max. intensities out of 60x oil objective

  • 405 nm : 3.54 mW
  • 488 nm : 3.85 mW 
  • 561 nm : 4.11 mW 
  • 647 nm : 4.68 mW

Emission Filters



Quad emission filter (DAPI, GFP, mCherry, Cy5)













GFP narrow



  • 2 EMCCD cameras (iXon3 DU-888 Ultra, 1024x1024 pixels, 13 μm pixel size, 26 fps full frame, usable area ~512x512 pixels, 93 fps)
  • Current dual color dichroic for simultaneous GFP & mCherry detection






WD [μm]


10x (not installed)

Plan Achroat






Plan Apo










DIC N2 λ S


Plan Apo






Plan Flour






Plan Apo






Plan Apo






  • Andor Revolution SD System (CSU-X)
  • Uniform spinning disk illumination
  • 2 cameras for ultra-fast dual color imaging
  • Fast emission filter wheel for clean multi-color imaging of DAPI, GFP, mCherry, and Cy5
  • Ultra-fast laser switching/ tuning (triggered acquisition)


Comments: New users - access upon training request 
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

10. AMBIO Nikon Widefield Ti2
Name: 10. AMBIO Nikon Widefield Ti2
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging modes

  • Widefield EPI fluorescence (DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, mCherry, Cy5)
  • Bright-field for histology slides
  • Automated phase for 10x, 20x objectives
  • Live-cell incubator (temperature, CO2, humidity)
  • Multiplexing (multi position, large image scan, automation)

LED Illumination (Lumencore, SpectraX) and max. intensities out of 40x objective

  • 395/25 nm : 66.5 mW
  • 438/29 nm : 109 mW
  • 475/28 nm : 57.0 mW
  • 511/16 nm : 12.3 mW
  • 555/28 nm : 145 mW
  • 635/22 nm : 38.9 mW

Emission Filters



Quad emission filter (DAPI, GFP, mCherry, Cy5)
















  • sCMOS, PCO.edge camera (>80% QE, 2048x2048 pixels, 6.5 µm pixel size, 53 fps full frame, up to 500 fps in small area)
  • Nikon DS-Ri2 color CMOS camera (4908x3264 pixels, 6 fps full frame, 45 fps in 1636x1088 pixels)






WD [μm]



Plan Apo






Plan Flour




Ph1 DL


Plan Apo




Ph2 DM λ


Apo Flour






  • Fast LED laser switching/ tuning (triggered acquisition)
  • Fast emission filter wheel for clean multi-color imaging of DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, mCherry, and Cy5


Comments: New users - access upon training request 
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

17. AMBIO Nikon Multiphoton Confocal
Name: 17. AMBIO Nikon Multiphoton Confocal
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging modes

  • Multiphoton confocal
  • DIC, relief contrast

Laser (Mai Tai Insight Deepsee Dual)

  • Tunable: 680 nm (600 mW) – 900 nm (500 mW) – 1300 nm (500 mW)
  • Single line: 1040 nm

Emission Filters












  • Point scanner (galvo)
  • Resonant scanner (30 fps in 512x512 pixels, up to 420 fps in 512x32 pixels)

Non-Descanned Detectors (no pinhole)

  • 2x GaAsP-NDD (highly sensitive, GFP, mCherry)
  • 2x PMT-NDD (DAPI, Cy5)






WD [μm]















  • Upright
  • Extended IR laser for deep tissue imaging
  • Fast switch between glavo and resonant scanner


Comments: New users - access upon training request 

Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Name: 16. AMBIO Nikon TIRF/STORM
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging modes

  • Widefield EPI fluorescence (DAPI, GFP, mCherry, Cy5)
  • Phase (10x, 20x)
  • DIC (20x, 40x, 100x)
  • TIRF (adhesive cell membrane), motorized TIRF angle 
  • dSTORM (super-resolution, single molecule localization) 
  • FRAP/ PA (photo activation/ conversion)
  • Live-cell incubator (temperature, CO2, humidity)

Lasers (max. intensities out of 100x objective)

  • 405 nm : 3.31 mW
  • 488 nm : 53.5 mW 
  • 561 nm : 37.4 mW 
  • 647 nm : 80.7 mW

Emission filters

High speed emission filter wheel (OptoSpin IV) for clean multi-color imaging:








635 LP

Emission splitter (OptoSplit III) for simultaneous 2- or 3-color imaging:


SD-dSTORM cube

AF568, mCherry

AF647, CF680


Triple cube

GFP, AF488 (525/50)

AF568, mCherry (600/37)

AF647, CF680 (700/75)


  • Camera 1 (left port): EMCCD, Andor iXon Ultra X3 987, 512x512 pixels, 16 µm pixel size, 56 fps full frame, QE max. 90%
  • Camera 2 (right port): sCMOS, Photometrics Prime 95B (95% QE, 1200x1200 pixels, 11 µm pixel size, 41 fps full frame, 82 fps@12-bit)
  • Camera 3 (left port front): CMOS, The Imaging Source DMK 23UX249 (1920x1200 pixels, 5.86 µm pixel size, 30 fps full frame)






WD [μm]



Plan Flour




Ph1 DL


Plan Flour






Plan Apo






Plan Apo





(All objectives have an external phase contrast)


  • 2x beam condenser for small FOV (dSTORM)
  • Ultra-fast laser switching/ tuning (triggered acquisition)


Comments: New users - access upon training request 
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

15. AMBIO Nikon Upright Spinning Disk Confocal S2
Name: 15. AMBIO Nikon Upright Spinning Disk Confocal S2
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging modes

  • Spinning disk confocal (DAPI, GFP, mCherry, Cy5)
  • Upright

Lasers and max. intensities out of 25x objective

  • 405 nm : 6.3 mW
  • 488 nm : 7.7 mW 
  • 561 nm : 9.7 mW 
  • 647 nm : 9.5 mW


  • Zyla 4.2 Plus sCMOS camera (2048x2048 pixels, 40 fps@16-bit, 53 fps@12-bit)

Emission Filters



Quad emission filter (DAPI, GFP, mCherry, Cy5)


















WD [μm]



Plan Achroat












  • Andor Revolution SD System (CSU-X1)
  • Fast emission filter wheel for clean multi-color imaging of DAPI, GFP, mCherry, and Cy5
  • Ultra-fast laser switching/ tuning (triggered acquisition)


Comments: New users - access upon training request 
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Ultimaker S5
Name: Ultimaker S5
Resource type: 3D Printer
Provider: Central Scientific WorkshopCentral Scientific Workshop
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Discover the easy-to-use desktop 3D printer with a large build volume that delivers accurate, industrial-grade parts, time and again. With simple setup, high uptime, and reliable dual extrusion, Ultimaker S5 is the complete professional 3D printing solution.

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) for PLA, ABS, PC filaments and others.
Schmelzschichtung (FDM) für PLA, ABS, PC-Filament und andere.

Comments: Only operated by facility staff.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: CVK, Berlin Wedding and CCM, Berlin Mitte

Device 1 |  PharmaScan 70/16 US
Name: Device 1 | PharmaScan 70/16 US
Resource type: Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
Provider: 7T Experimental MRIs7T Experimental MRIs
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Device 1 | PharmaScan 70/16 US (installation 03/2003; upgrade 04/2013)
Bruker Software Paravision 5.1

Comments: Access to the equipment is only granted upon a service request (see services

Bookings have to be approved by the facility (indicated by '-'). You will receive an email once your booking is approved.

Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Device 2 |  BioSpec 70/20 USR
Name: Device 2 | BioSpec 70/20 USR
Resource type: Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
Provider: 7T Experimental MRIs7T Experimental MRIs
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Device 2| BioSpec 70/20 USR (installation 08/2013)
Bruker Software Paravision 6.0.1

Comments: Access to the equipment is only granted upon a service request (see services

Bookings have to be approved by the facility (indicated by '-'). You will receive an email once your booking is approved.
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Formlabs Form 2
Name: Formlabs Form 2
Resource type: 3D Printer
Provider: Central Scientific WorkshopCentral Scientific Workshop
Affiliations: Charité
Description: The Form 2 delivers high-resolution parts at a fraction of the cost and footprint of industrial 3D printers. Scale your prototyping and production in-house with desktop stereolithography.

Stereolitography (SLA) for modern synthetic resins.
Stereolithografie (SLA) für moderne Kunstharze.

Comments: Only operated by facility staff.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: CVK, Berlin Wedding and CCM, Berlin Mitte

Markforged Onyx Pro
Name: Markforged Onyx Pro
Resource type: 3D Printer
Provider: Central Scientific WorkshopCentral Scientific Workshop
Affiliations: Charité
Description: The Onyx Pro prints composite parts that are 10x the strength of plastic by reinforcing chopped-carbon nylon with continuous strands of fiberglass.

Suitable for nylon with carbon fiber and optionally glass fiber.
Geeignet für Nylon mit Karbon-Fasern und optional Glasfaser.

Comments: Only operated by facility staff.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: CVK, Berlin Wedding and CCM, Berlin Mitte

CO2 Laser Cutter SH-G6090 150W (Sabko GmbH)
Name: CO2 Laser Cutter SH-G6090 150W (Sabko GmbH)
Resource type: Laser Cutter
Provider: Central Scientific WorkshopCentral Scientific Workshop
Affiliations: Charité
Description: CO2 Laser Cutter SH-G6090 150W (Sabko GmbH)

Suitable for acrylic glass and POM.
Geeignet für Acryl-Glas und POM.

Comments: Only operated by facility staff.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: CVK, Berlin Wedding and CCM, Berlin Mitte

Project Meetings - Imaging Mass Cytometry (Hyperion)
Name: Project Meetings - Imaging Mass Cytometry (Hyperion)
Resource type: Project Discussion
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) is an approach for the targeted and epitope-specific multiparameter analysis of tissue sections (Scheme). In contrast to conventional immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence, this technology allows for the simultaneous detection of >35 specific markers on the tissue by using metal-isotopes and their different masses as analytes. Tissue sections are labeled with epitope-specific, metal isotope conjugated antibodies and the tissue is ablated in 1x1 µm spots by a laser. The ablated material is carried into the mass cytometer, and the metal ion content of each pixel is analyzed by time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The signals are then plotted as a multiparameter image that can be analyzed by any imaging software. For more information about this new technology contact the core facility.

Measurement of tissue samples

IMC is offered as service (staff-operated) or independent usage with assistance. A project meeting is required to get access. We will discuss your experimental setup, technical details and the timeline for your sample processing. Please request a project meeting as early as possible, but latest 6 weeks before onset of your experiment.


Please download the project registration form and the table for your first panel draft and attach it to the request.

Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Project Meetings - Flow Cytometry
Name: Project Meetings - Flow Cytometry
Resource type: Project Discussion
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

Project discussion before use of analysers and cell sorting service.
Please download the
registration form and attach it to the request.
Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Project Meetings - Mass Cytometry
Name: Project Meetings - Mass Cytometry
Resource type: Project Discussion
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

Please download the
project registration form and CyTOF panel template and attach it to the request.

Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Imaging Mass Cytometry - Sample Acquisition
Name: Imaging Mass Cytometry - Sample Acquisition
Resource type: Imaging Mass Cytometry
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) is an approach for the targeted and epitope-specific multiparameter analysis of tissue sections (Scheme). In contrast to conventional immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence, this technology allows for the simultaneous detection of >35 specific markers on the tissue by using metal-isotopes and their different masses as analytes. Tissue sections are labeled with epitope-specific, metal isotope conjugated antibodies and the tissue is ablated in 1x1 µm spots by a laser. The ablated material is carried into the mass cytometer, and the metal ion content of each pixel is analyzed by time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The signals are then plotted as a multiparameter image that can be analyzed by any imaging software. For more information about this new technology contact the core facility.

Measurement of tissue samples

IMC is offered as service (staff-operated) or independent usage with assistance. Measurement of tissue sections can be requested via OpenIRIS ('Services' - 'Imaging Mass Cytometry - Sample Acquisition') with a date/deadline and will then be coordinated by the core facility. Longer measurements usually run overnight or over the weekend. Please request measurements as early as possible.


Comments: Please request a project meeting at least 6 weeks before start of a new project to get access.
The sample acquisition template ->  new version!!  (download) has to be uploaded when submitting the request and a description of the slide has to be provided (see example here).
Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

 nanoSPECT/CT plus
Name: nanoSPECT/CT plus
Resource type: Preclinical Imaging System
Affiliations: Charité

  • Resolution-booster™: the first ground breaking total detection chain design principle
  • Patented* M3-pinhole™ and Tera-Tomo™ 3D SPECT reconstruction technology
  • x2 gain in SPECT sensitivity achieve 13.000 cps/MBq
  • x2 gain in volumetric SPECT resolution


Comments: If you would like to use the instrument, please contact us via email (see contacts) or phone (+49 (0)30 450 557013).

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

 nanoScan PET/CT
Name: nanoScan PET/CT
Resource type: Preclinical Imaging System
Affiliations: Charité

Comments: If you would like to use the instrument, please contact us via email (see contacts) or phone (+49 (0)30 450 557013).

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

Titan Krios
Name: Titan Krios
Resource type: TEM Microscope
Provider: Electron microscopy unit - BCPElectron microscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: According to the procurement regulations of the DFG, access to the Titan Krios is primarily reserved to the group of applicants of the 91b initiative until the end of 2024.
You can request access to single particle data acquisition on the Titan Krios microscope via the services '
Participate in SPA data acquisition (FU-Berlin)'.
After confirmation, you can request beam time for SPA via the service ´SPA data acquisition (FU Berlin)´.
Contacts: Dr. Tarek Hilal (
Affiliated Communities: TEM users, ACEM
There is no direct access to this microscope!
You can request assisted and unassisted SPA measurements at the Titan Krios microscope.
Click the magnifying glass on the left for more details.
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

FEI Vitrobot Mark IV (FZEM)
Name: FEI Vitrobot Mark IV (FZEM)
Resource type: Freeze Plunger
Provider: Electron microscopy unit - BCPElectron microscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Booking of the Vitrobot is restricted to the group of TEM users only. If you are not member of this group please contact the resource admin(s).
Unassisted preparations are reserved to skilled (trained) users, otherwise a qualified operator is mandatory.
Training for unassisted operations can be requested from the timeline view in the scheduler (top right, booklet symbol). You will be informed after submitting a training request.
Due to the pandemic training is not offered at the moment.
Contacts: Jörg Bürger (
Affiliated Communities: TEM users, ACEM
Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Click the magnifying glass on the left for more details.
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Talos L120C
Name: Talos L120C
Resource type: TEM Microscope
Provider: Electron microscopy unit - BCPElectron microscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Booking of the Talos L120C (conventional and cryo EM) is restricted to registered members of the BioSupraMol core facillity. Registration can be requested via the Service:
Register to TEM (BSM)´.
After registration, booking is possible in 4 hour time slots (9:00 to 13:00 and 13:00 to 17:00) from Monday to Friday. (Rare exceptions are matter of agreement.) Unassisted measurements are reserved to skilled (trained) users, otherwise a qualified operator is mandatory and can be chosen during the booking process. It is best practice to make an appointment with the operators before booking assisted measurements.
Training for unassisted microscope operation can be requested from the timeline view in the scheduler (top right, booklet symbol). You will be informed after submitting the training request.
Contacts: Dr. Boris Schade (
Affiliated Communities: TEM users, ACEM
Please note the restricted access to this microscope!
Bookings are only possible from Monday to Friday at two blocks (9:00 to 13:00 and 13:00 to 17:00). Click the magnifying glass on the left for more details.
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

SPA data acquisition - Titan Krios (FZEM - SFAB)
Name: SPA data acquisition - Titan Krios (FZEM - SFAB)
Resource type: Service
Provider: Electron microscopy unit - BCPElectron microscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Beam time on the Titan Krios microscope is only accesible by this service request.
Every request demands a brief description of the sample and the preliminar work, and must be approved by the group head of the requester. Only after this confirmation, the service can be initiated. We will then, together with the requester, decide on the necessary steps prior to the data acquisition.

currently, booking of the microscope is based on the usage policies of the Core Facility BioSupraMol.

Contacts: Dr. Boris Schade (, Dr. Tarek Hilal (
Affiliated Communities: TEM users, ACEM
Please note the restricted access to the SPA workflow!
This request for SPA data acquisition on the Titan Krios 300 kV electron microscope is only possible for registered users.
You can request a registration via the 'Register for Single Particle Analysis (SPA) - SFAB' request.
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Talos Arctica
Name: Talos Arctica
Resource type: TEM Microscope
Provider: Electron microscopy unit - BCPElectron microscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Contacts: Dr. Kai Ludwig (
Affiliated Communities: TEM users, ACEM
Direct access is restricted to FZEM members!
Measurements and beam times are accessible via the services:
TEM measurements (FZEM - BSM)´.
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Incucyte DKTK CBF
Name: Incucyte DKTK CBF
Resource type: Cell Analyzer
Provider: AG SiegmundAG Siegmund
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Satorius Live Cell analyzer


Everyone can use it, but DKTK members have precedence. If you're a new user, please contact "" for an introduction.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Benjamin Franklin

Participate in SPA data acquisition - SFAB
Name: Participate in SPA data acquisition - SFAB
Resource type: Administration (BSM/SFAB - FU)
Provider: Administration OpenIRIS@FUB (BCP)Administration OpenIRIS@FUB (BCP)
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: According to the procurement regulations of the DFG, access to the Titan Krios is primarily reserved to the group of applicants of the 91b initiative until the end of 2024.

Contacts: Dr. Boris Schade (, Dr. Tarek Hilal (

This request addresses to group heads and PI's only
Requesting admission to the SPA workflow enables your group members to register for the SPA data acquisition service at FZEM. Until the end of 2024, the SPA workflow is primarily reserved to 91b Titan Krios applicants.
Members of registered groups must, however, only use the 'Register to Single Particle Analysis (SPA) - SFAB' request to get access.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin

Project request
Name: Project request
Resource type: Project
Provider: High-Throughput Mass SpectrometryHigh-Throughput Mass Spectrometry
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Please request an initial meeting at least 4 weeks before the start of a new project.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

ThermoFisher Vitrobot Mark IV
Name: ThermoFisher Vitrobot Mark IV
Resource type: Plunge Freezer
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Key Benefits:

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

ThermoFisher Titan Krios G3i
Name: ThermoFisher Titan Krios G3i
Resource type: cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Key Features:

  • 80 - 300 keV Acceleration Voltage
  • X-FEG Electron Source
  • Twelve cartridge Auto Loading System
  • Ceta 16Mpx CMOS Camera
  • Falcon 3 DED
  • GATAN K3 DED + BioQuantum GIF
  • Volta Phase Plate
  • Dual Axis Tomography Holder
  • Software Packages: EPU, Tomo5, SerialEM, Maps
  • Live pre-processing of raw data

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

ThermoFisher Aquilos
Name: ThermoFisher Aquilos
Resource type: cryo-FIB/SEM
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Key Features:

  • Complete cryo infrastructure including cryo transfer station
  • Fully rotatable cryo-stage
  • Special Cryo-FIB Autogrids for shallow-angle milling
  • Sample shuttle for Autogrids: Cryo-FIB shuttle with integrated shutter system during cryo-transfers
  • In-chamber retractable sputter coater for applying conductive coatings
  • GIS-system for applying protective coatings
  • Including MAPS software for correlative workflow

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

Resource type: cryoCLEM
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Key Features:

  • Complete cryo Infrastructure including cryo transfer station
  • HCX PL APO 50x CLEM cryo-Objektive
  • SP8 confocal optical system + SP8 LIGHTNING software
  • Compatible with MAPS software for correlative workflow

Laser Lines



1x PMT detector, 2x HyD detectors

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

3T MRI system MRS 3017
Name: 3T MRI system MRS 3017
Resource type: Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
Affiliations: Charité
Description: The 3T Benchtop MRI (MRsolutions MRS 3017; date of manufacture 2015) has a high-performance gradient system and a comprehensive selection of coils. The system is suitable for both cardiac and non-cardiac imaging studies in mice and rats and is compatible with multinuclear imaging (fluorine, xenon, etc.).

Comments: If you would like to use the instrument, please contact us via email (see contacts) or phone (+49 (0)30 450 557013).

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

Luminescent Image Analyzer
Name: Luminescent Image Analyzer
Resource type: Equipment
Provider: AG SiegmundAG Siegmund
Affiliations: Charité

Comments: everyone can use it

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Benjamin Franklin

Real-Time PCR Machine (StepOne)
Name: Real-Time PCR Machine (StepOne)
Resource type: qPCR
Provider: AG SiegmundAG Siegmund
Affiliations: Charité

Comments: everyone can use it

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Benjamin Franklin

Aurora "Rory" - Full Spectrum Analyzer
Name: Aurora "Rory" - Full Spectrum Analyzer
Resource type: Flow Cytometry Analyzer
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH


You need to be registered and trained to use this instrument.


Cancel your booking at least 24 hours ahead of your booking to avoid charges.


Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

SU 8030
Name: SU 8030
Resource type: SEM
Provider: Electron microscopy unit - BCPElectron microscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Booking of the SU8030 (cryo and conventional SEM) is restricted to registered users. Registration can be requested via the service:
Register to SEM (BSM)´.
After registraition, booking times are are available on the hour from 8:00 to 18:00 (Fri 17:00) in blocks of 60 minutes only. Durations can range from 1 hr up to a maximum of 10 (9) hrs. (Rare exceptions are matter of agreement.) Unassisted measurements are reserved to skilled (trained) users, otherwise a qualified operator is mandatory, which may be chosen during the booking process. It is best practice to make an appointment with the operators before booking assisted measurements.
Training for unassisted microscope operation can be requested from the timeline view in the scheduler (top right, booklet symbol). You will be informed after submitting a training request.


Contacts: Anke Schindler (
Affiliated Communities: TEM users, ACEM
Please note the restricted access to this microscope!
Booking times are on the hour from 8:00 to 18:00 (Fri 17:00) in blocks of 60 minutes only. Click the magnifying glass on the left for more details.
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Leica DMi8
Name: Leica DMi8
Resource type: Light microscopy
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité

Inverted microscope for Live-cell imaging

  • Incubation chamber for Temperature and CO2 control
  • Adaptive Focus Control (AFC)
  • DFC9000 GT Camera
  • Available to use with the PRIMO device

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

PRIMO Alveole for micropatterning
Name: PRIMO Alveole for micropatterning
Resource type: Other Instruments
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité

A device for well-positioned cells within the mesh of the EM grids, and several other applications.

  • protein micropatterning
  • hydrogel structuration
  • microfabrication


Please feel free to contact us for further information on the technique and applications.

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

FIB-milling with Aquilos2 Training
Name: FIB-milling with Aquilos2 Training
Resource type: Training
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Obligatory training for all users who wish to use the Aquilos microscope
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

PRIMO training
Name: PRIMO training
Resource type: Training
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Obligatory training for all users who want to use the PRIMO micropatterning device
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

Training for Vitrobot
Name: Training for Vitrobot
Resource type: Training
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Obligatory training for all users who want to use the Vitrobot machine.
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

Training for cryoCLEM microscopy
Name: Training for cryoCLEM microscopy
Resource type: Training
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Obligatory training for all users who want to use the cryo confocal SP8
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

Training on cryo TEM (Krios)
Name: Training on cryo TEM (Krios)
Resource type: Training
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Obligatory training for all users who want to use the Titan Krios
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

Graphics Workstation
Name: Graphics Workstation
Resource type: Workstation
Provider: Core Facility for Cryo-Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Windows GPU workstation
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:

Nutzerordnung für die

Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM)

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Buch


  1. Präambel

    Die Core Facility für Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie (CFcryoEM) der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin bietet das komplette Spektrum an Transmissions- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (TEM, REM/SEM) unter kryogenen Temperaturen für biologische Fragestellungen an. Dabei kann der gesamte kryo-elektronentomographische Arbeitsablauf durchgeführt werden, der korrelative Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie (cryo-CLEM), Focused-Ion-Beam-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (cryo-FIB-SEM) und Elektronentomographie (cryo-ET) beinhaltet. Wir beraten die Nutzer sowohl bei der Projektplanung und -durchführung (Probenvorbereitung, und -präparation) als auch bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten. Dazu weisen wir die Nutzer an den Geräten ein, sodass ein eigenständiges Arbeiten möglich ist (Anwendungsbetrieb). Auf Wunsch und nach Kapazität bieten wir die Probenpräparation und Datenaquise als Serviceleistung an (Servicebetrieb), wobei sämtliche Schritte von Mitarbeitern der CFcryoEM durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren bieten wir Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie von Einzelmolekülen (single-particle cryo-EM) an.


    Perspektivisch ist geplant die CFcryoEM in das Berlin Integrative Structural Biology Network (BIS) zu überführen und somit, zusammen mit Partnern von der Charité, FU Berlin und HU Berlin, die Berlin-weite Infrastruktur für Hochleistungs-Elektronenmikroskopie zu vereinen.


    Die vorliegende Nutzerordnung der CFcryoEM ist für alle Nutzer verbindlich. Alle Nutzer verpflichten sich eine Nutzervereinbarung (hier abrufbar) zu unterzeichnen und die Nutzerordnung zu akzeptieren.

    Aktuelle Informationen können auf der Homepage unter: nachgelesen werden.


  2. Ansprechpartner

Allgemein gültige E-Mailadresse der Core Facility für cryo-Elektronenmikroskopie:


Herr Dr. Christoph Diebolder

Thiemo Sprink  
NN (Techniker)   


Provider Contact:;
Provider Location: Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

 User Registration
Name: User Registration
Resource type: Registration
Provider: BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells & OrganoidsBIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells & Organoids
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: In order to use the services and infrastructure of the BIH Core Facility Stem Cells, users must first register and accept the user regulations. The registration requires the confirmation of the respective group leader. The group leader receives a notification in OpenIRIS and can confirm it here.

Provider UsagePolicy:

Terms of Service
BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells and Organoids

Valid from 24.05.2024

These Terms govern your access to and use of BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells and Organoids (CUSCO) services and equipment. Our Services are offered subject to your acceptance, without modification, of all the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules, and procedures that may be published from time to time by us. You agree that we may automatically upgrade our Services, and the Agreement will apply to any upgrades. Please read the Agreement carefully before accessing or using our Services. By accessing or using any part of our Services, you agree to become bound by the Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms of the Agreement, then you may not access or use our Services.

Your Account

The use of our Services requires an account in the openIRIS system (, hence, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information when you register for an account and keep the information current. This is important because sometimes we may need to send you notable updates. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your account. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your password secure. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with our Services. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result ofsuch acts or omissions. Your account will be active for one year and can then be prolonged. 

In addition, the following must be observed before the account is created:

  1. Before use, a free consultation must take place to assess the need and scope.
  2. Project-related support must be submitted using a project registration in openIRIS and include project title, description of the expected services, and the client.
  3. Access to the Infrastructure and Services of CUSCO is approved only to the Users who have registered their projects and themselves as USERS via openIRIS system and receive the specific introduction by the CUSCO personnel.


Following account activation, you as a CUSCO user, agree to adhere to the following obligations:

  1. with the regulations of the user rules and the specific laboratory and equipment rules (see Service and Equipment).
  2. to attend the annual safety instructions for the necessary laboratory safety levels.
  3. to strictly follow the instructions of the CUSCO staff in the CUSCO rooms and when using the equipment.
  4. to make the CUSCO staff aware of the existence of safety risks related to the experimental material (e.g., pathogenic, infectious, toxic, or radioactive properties or according to Biostoffverordnung (BioStoffV)).
  5. if necessary, to provide evidence of corresponding notifications and approvals (here in particular the approval of the genetic engineering experiments to be carried out or experiments on animals or humans, if necessary, with the approval of the ethics committee) of research projects and experiments. Patient data are to be handled by the user in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations and are to be handed over to CUSCO exclusively in anonymized form.
  6. any work with genetically modified organisms (according to Gentechnikgesetz (GenTG)) is only allowed after a prior approval with the CUSCO director.
  7. if necessary, authorize CUSCO to perform the experiments.
  8. Operate the equipment and perform the experiments only after the instruction of CUSCO staff.


Service and equipment

Within the framework of its available capacities, the CUSCO performs the following services in particular:

  • Project consultation and support
  • Isolation of primary cells from patient material
  • Reprogramming of cells into human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs)
  • Banking, characterization, and quality control of hPSCs
  • Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas
  • Establishment of differentiation protocols
  • Provision of cells differentiated from hiPSCs
  • Establishment of methods for organoid generation and analysis
  • Provision of hiPSC reference cell lines
  • Provision of reagents
  • Provision of infrastructure and equipment
  • Training


In addition, CUSCO manages access to and supports, the shared equipment (specific equipment available is listed in openIRIS).

Equipment managed by CUSCO is available to all CUSCO registered users. By accepting these Terms of Service, the users agree to adhere to the following rules of the equipment use:

  1. Equipment access and training must be requested through openIRIS. Approval of access will be granted only to the users that completed the training.
  2. All equipment available at CUSCO must be booked through openIRIS before use. Use of equipment without booking is strictly forbidden.
  3. Equipment booking expires 30 min after the booking time has begun if the user is not present, but usage fees will apply.
  4. In case the use time exceeds the booking time, additional time must be booked in openIRIS.
  5. Bookings can be made up to a maximum of 14 days before planned use. Cancellation of a booking can be made up to 24 hours before the start of the booked period. Cancellations made after this time may result in usage fees if no other user books this period.
  6. Note that repeated absence during booked time, use of device without booking and/or misuse of equipment will result in user access cancellation.
  7. Users are responsible for immediate removal of data from the CUSCO computers. CUSCO is not responsible for data storage and safety. All data older than four weeks will be automatically deleted from the PCs without further notice.
  8. It is not allowed to store any kind of data anywhere else on the CUSCO computers other than in the respective directories. All data in other locations (for example on the desktop) will be deleted without further notice.
  9. Equipment manuals and accessories must remain with the respective device at any time (PDFs of manuals can be provided on request by CUSCO).
  10. In case of a device malfunction, the CUSCO personnel must be immediately informed. Error messages must be copied or documented by a screenshot and uploaded as an “issue” through openIRIS.
  11. Cells provided to the user must not be shared with other users or researchers outside of the core facility or without consent of the head of CUSCO.



All users are liable according to the legal regulations. This applies in particular to damage caused by failure to comply with the obligations incumbent on the users, by non-clarification of security risks or by non-compliance with binding instructions issued by the staff. The responsibility for the quality of the incoming material or incoming data of a project lies with the user.

The liability of CUSCO towards users is limited to intent and gross negligence. The CUSCO do not assume any warranty for the test material.


Genetically modifies organisms (GMO)

Regulations regarding working with and handling genetically modified organisms or materials containing genetically modified organisms are described in the Federal Republic of Germany by the Genetic Engineering Act (Gentechnikgesetz-GenTG).

All users requesting genetically modified material or genetic modification of iPSCs (Service: genetic modification) and/or bringing and working with genetically modified organisms in the CUSCO facility are required to inform the CUSCO personnel about such work and provide a copy of the official permission and registration of the genetic engineering facility / laboratory.

For Charité internal regulations see: 



Users are obliged to take due account of the work of CUSCO in publications following the generally accepted rules of scientific practice:

  1. In principle, any external work, e.g., the work of CUSCO, must be identified at the appropriate points in scientific work, e.g., in the material and method part. The payment of fees or charges resulting from service does not replace the corresponding labelling of technical or scientific work.
  2. Depending on the scope and complexity of the work or in the case of corresponding collaboration agreements, the CUSCO or individual employees must be considered by mentioning them in the acknowledgment[1] or within the framework of a co-authorship. Co-authorship of CUSCO scientists usually requires a scientific contribution that goes far beyond the mere performance of experiments or analyses.
  3. The CUSCO should be notified before submission of the publication. If necessary, the corresponding files must be made available for inspection beforehand. Also, a copy of the publication in electronic form must be sent to the head of CF Stem Cells after publication.

Exclusion and restriction of use

In particular, the approval for use may be refused, revoked, or further restricted if

  1. no proper application has been submitted
  2. the information in the application is not or is no longer correct
  3. a fixed usage fee is not paid
  4. the regulations for use, the specific laboratory and equipment rules or instructions of CUSCO staff are violated
  5. CUSCO is not mentioned or adequately considered in publications according to chapter „Publications“.

The user is not entitled to claims for damages due to the refusal, revocation, or subsequent limitation of admission.


Service Catalogue / Usage Fees

  • The fees to be paid by the users for CUSCO services can be found in the current list of fees. Special rates apply to external users.
  • For projects regarding technology or method development, including feasibility studies, within the framework of a cooperation, the prices can be reduced or, in exceptional waived at CUSCO staff discretion. Co-authorships of CUSCO staff are expected to be considered in the resulting publications according to their scientific or technical contributions.
  • The user fees are charged after receipt of the services. In the case of internal customers, this is done via internal service charging (interne Leistungsverrechnung, ILV). External users always receive an invoice.
  • Project leaders can request user fees for funding applications (in DFG applications under the item „Requested other costs“, CUSCO is registered in the DFG Database). The team of CUSCO will be available to assist you with the appropriate cost estimation during the application phase.
  • CUSCO reserves the right to issue a partial charge on the failed services. Due to underlying biological limitations, CUSCO is unable to always guarantee the success of the following services:
  • Reprogramming
  • Genome editing
  • Differentiation

CUSCO staff guarantees to perform necessary experimental steps to fulfil the service request. However, in an unlikely event of the service failure, the number of further attempts will be limited as defined by individual service descriptions and the services will be continued only after an explicit confirmation from the User. The user agrees to the payment of charges according to the steps completed by CUSCO in the attempts to fulfil the service.

è The current list of fees is attached as Appendix 3.

Severability clause and validity of the user regulations

The user regulations are binding for all users of CUSCO. Agreements beyond the scope of these Terms of Service are made with external users and must be issued in writing. The Terms of Service are valid in the respective version without limitation until they are replaced by an updated version.



Director: Dr. Harald Stachelscheid


Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells & Organoids

Cranach Haus

Augustenburger Platz 1

13353 Berlin

(Visitors: Föhrer Straße 15)





Appendix 1:  Specific rules for equipment use


  • Users must use personal accounts. Account sharing is not allowed.
  • Personal account will be assigned immediately after user introduction.
  • Calibration of the machine is performed by the CUSCO personnel once a month.

    MACSQuant Tyto FACS Sorter:

    • Users must use personal accounts. Account sharing is not allowed.
    • Workspace set-up and advanced training cannot be provided by CUSCO and must be requested by the user to Miltenyi directly. CUSCO only provides access to the Sorter, an account, and general recommendations for equipment use.
    • Accessories, like Tyto magnet for cartridge load, must be used at CUSCO lab. It is strictly forbidden to remove equipment from CUSCO lab space.
    • No gloves are permitted when working with the system.
    • The computers operating this equipment must not be switched off.  It is critical for the instrument operation that the computers stay active.
    •  Use of the computer for applications other than device control is not allowed.
    • The use of USB storage devices is prohibited.
    • must be trained in the operation of the unit by an experienced user. After this training, CUSCO staff will evaluate the ability of the user to operate the unit properly   and permit access.
    • Measurement data must be transferred to the Columbus server ( or OMERO Server ( immediately after the measurement and removed from the measurement computer.

      Leica inverted Microscope (User Lab):

    • Data must be saved in a folder named after the group/username in the following location:
      “Dieser PC > Dokumente > Folder [Group Name] > [ username]”
  • Data must be saved in a folder named after the group/username in the following location:
    “D:> cap_0.5.1.4182005e > folder [username]”

    QuantStudio 6:

  • Data must be saved in a folder named after the group/username in the following location: “D:UsersPublicDocumentsQuantStudio Real-Time PCR softwareexperiments[Group Name][user name]”

    Opera Phenix, Operetta and Columbus Server

  • All image data should be moved immediately after acquisition to the central OMERO Server ( of the Charité

Picking hood Microscope (User Lab):

  • Data must be directly saved in external source (USB stick) and/or deleted immediately from the computer hard disk after transfer.

Chromium Controller

  • Only the use of the Controller and accessories ad-hoc are allowed (chip holder and vortex with adaptor for beads rack).
  • Accessories must be used at CUSCO lab; it is not allowed to move them somewhere else.

Molecular biology work bench rules

  • Molecular biology bench must be booked via openIRIS when Chromium Controller is used.
  • This bench is reserved for single cell experiments. Cryostat
  • It is mandatory to clean up the device after use with ethanol 80% as it was instructed during the training. Remnants of embedding medium can damage the device.


    Leica LSM SP8

  • Use of the computer for applications other than device control is not permitted.
  • The use of USB storage devices is prohibited.
  • All image data should be moved immediately after acquisition to the central OMERO Server ( of the Charité

INCUCYTE – User rules 

  • It is mandatory to receive training from CUSCO. Training can be booked using OpenIris. 
  • Only the use of a personal account is allowed. 
  • Incucyte software can be downloaded in every Charité PC (instructions will be provided during the training). If needed the Working station (ground floor, room 0.0134) can be used to schedule experiments. It is not permitted to use other CUSCO computers. 
  • Incucyte use is allowed only during booked time slots. Booking has to be scheduled using OpenIris. 
  • Booking is mandatory for the whole time of experiment/the plates are in the Incucyte.  
  • ONly 2 concurrent bookings are possible. Each booking allows the use of 2 (out of 6) Incucyte plate-positions (i.e. 1 user = 1 booking slot = 2 positions of the tray).  
  • 2 (out of 6) spots of the tray are reserved for single scannings (“Scan now” acquisition type). Therefore, those 2 spots HAVE to be free and only used during the single scan (limited time - single time). 
  • Each booking (up to 2 plates) can use a schedule of a maximum of 30 minutes duration per hour.  
  • It is mandatory to leave every 3 hours 1 slot of 30 minutes free for spontaneous measurements   
  • Do book your slots time ahead (preferably 1 week) to avoid undesirable overlapping between users. Booking can be cancelled until 1 hour before it starts (please contact CUSCO member if needed). Booking cancel within 1 hour prior starting will be charged. 
  • Plate loading has to be done carefully and holding the tray from below. 
  • You HAVE to remove your plate after the experiment has finished and delete the acquisition schedule from the Software to allow next measurement. If plate is abandoned (no openIRIS booking visible), CUSCO will discard it without further notice. 
  • If you notice before starting your experiment that water in the incubator is missing or any other anomaly (not signaled by alarm) please contact a CUSCO member. 
  • Data will be deleted every 2 months. During this time you can analyze and archive your data after downloading.  
  • Data export to the ImageArtist server is possible. Please contact CUSCO member to learn how to proceed. 
  • Do not set for acquisition empty wells, focus will not be found and the whole scanning may stop.  


Appendix 2:  Specific rules for use Cell culture labs

  • It is mandatory to book cell culture safety cabinet in openIRIS before use. In case the use time exceeds the booking time, additional time must be booked in openIRIS.
  • Use of PPE (lab coat and gloves) is mandatory in the cell culture labs.
  • User responsibilities:

è Refill general consumables, for example: 80% ethanol, paper tissues, glass pipettes, plastic material, etc.

è Dispose of trash as indicated during lab introduction (white bins, yellow glass containers, already full trash bags).

è Empty liquid waste (vacuum container).

è Inform CUSCO personnel if reagents or consumables are running out (use the white board outside of the cell culture room to leave notices).  Provide enough time before the material is completely consumed.

è Inform CUSCO personnel if any issue with equipment or space is encountered.

è Keep safety cabinets, incubators, water bath and general space clean.

è Re-fill water in incubator if needed using deionized autoclaved water (red cap bottles).

è Only pipette tips with filter are allowed in the cell culture safety cabinets. Please store only one box of pipette tips per size for each bench and make sure they are closed properly when removed from the safety cabinet.


  • It is not allowed to stock a large number of aliquots of reagents from the user projects in the fridge/freezer of the user lab. Keep only what is needed in the space assign to you for a month. Space is limited.
  • All reagents, plates, boxes, etc. must be properly and clearly labelled. The label must include: the Group, Initials and Date. CUSCO personnel will discard all unidentifiable material without further notice.
  • It is not allowed to store samples (DNA, RNA, cell pellets, imaging plates, etc.) in fridge/freezer of the user lab for long term. When a user is not working in the facility anymore (not active) and after notification, we will remove and discard all reagents/samples of the user. Do not store any belongings on the benches/cupboards, they will be removed. It is a common working area.


  • After completion of work:
    • Clean bench and disinfect the surface with 80% ethanol!
    • Clean the tube of the pump first with deionized water and subsequently with 80% ethanol after usage
    • Switch off lamps of the microscopes according to the introduction!
    • If necessary (last user in the cell culture lab), switch off the bench, pump, water bath and microscope.


      • The following materials will be provided by CUSCO and are included in the bench usage fee:

  • Serological Pipettes (5ml, 10ml and 25ml)
  • Falcon Tubes (15ml and 50ml)
  • Plates (6-wells and 12-wells)
  • Filter Tips
  • Ethanol
  • Yellow waste bins
  • Gloves
  • EDTA solution
  • Eppendorf tubes


    Furthermore, the following reagents are provided but must be purchased in openIRIS prior use:

  • Vitronectin
  • ROCK inhibitor
  • mTeSR medium
  • E8 medium




Appendix 3:Price list of CUSCO internal users (billing via ILV)


Description Unit Price [€]
Generation of iPSCs, Banking and Characterisation
Primary cell Isolation Donor 90,00
Derivation of iPSCs from primary cells Donor 3550,00
Banking of iPS cell line (48 vials) cell line 640,00
QC and Characterisation - basic Panel cell line 1230,00
Cell Line Identity (STR Analysis) cell line 150,00
Virtual Karyotyping using a SNP Array cell line 280,00
G-Banding Karyotyping cell line 450,00
Morphology and Viability cell line 290,00
Sterility and Mycoplasma testing cell line 70,00
Marker for undifferentiated iPSCs (IF) cell line 340,00
Marker for undifferentiated iPSCs (FACS) cell line 400,00
Differentiation capacity of hPSCs cell line 640,00
Confirmation of gene editing cell line 80,00
Virologic testing of cultured cells cell line 510,00
Bank of single cell culture adapted hPSC cell line 1710,00
Differentiated Cells and Organoids
Generation of endothelial cells BATCH 1250,00
Generation of hepatocytes PLATE 720,00
Generation of neural stem cells BATCH 1390,00
Generation of iNeurons (NGN2 induced) BATCH 480,00
Celebral organoids - StemCellTech Kit BATCH 1460,00
Generation of human Lung Organoids (hLOA) BATCH 980,00
Passaging and expansion of hLOA BATCH 200,00
Generation of human Intestinal Organoids (hIO) BATCH 580,00
Passaging and expansion of hIO BATCH 420,00
Gene editing and complex projects
Supervision hour 41,00
CRISPR Design cell line 210,00
gRNA Efficiency testing cell line 650,00
CRISPR experiment cell line 530,00
Single cell cloning with IOTA cell line 1000,00
Clone Validation cell line 1380,00


Provision of reagents
E8 Media (500ml) - own production BOTTLE 84,00
E8 Media (500ml) - own production KIT BOTTLE 84,00
mTeSR Media (500ml) - own production BOTTLE 121,00
mTeSR Media (500ml) BOTTLE 395,00
Geltrex Aliquots (10 ml) Aliquot 82,00
Vitronectin Aliquots (600 µl) Aliquot 81,00
ROCK Inhibitor Y-27632 (1 ml) Aliquot 68,00
Provision of cells
Provision of live iPSCs WELL 21,00
Cryopreserved iPCSs VIAL 79,00
Cryopreserved iPCSs - own bank VIAL 15,00
Cryopreserved Neuronal Stem Cells VIAL 30,00
Cryopreserved Endothelial Cells VIAL 44,00
FACS Analyzer MACS Quant VYB hour 13,00
FACS Sorter MACS Quant Tyto hour 26,00
Real-time PCR Quantstudio6 hour 8,00
10X Chromium Controller hour 63,00
Leica Confocal SP8 hour 13,00
Opera Phenix High Content Screener hour 16,00
Opera Phenix High Content Screener-off h hour 5,00
IsoCell hour 27,00
TapeStation hour 8,00
Incucyte SX5 hour 3,00
Cell3Imager Duos hour 13,00
Bench fee - User-Lab hour 10,00
Equipment training hour 47,00
Hands-on training - Basic hPSC culture training 620,00
Hands-on training - iNeurons training 530,00
Hands-on training - NSCOs training 320,00
Hands-on training - hLOA generation training 380,00
Hands-on training - hIO generation training 500,00
Hands-on training - Endothelial cells training 780,00


[1] Please refer to the following formulation example: „This work was supported by the Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells and Organoids of the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.”

Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

Symphony A3 "Polyhymnia"
Name: Symphony A3 "Polyhymnia"
Resource type: Flow Cytometry Analyzer
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

funded by DFG INST 335/757-1 FUGG

5-Laser Flow Cytometry Analyser

Please request a project meeting and upload the registration form for your sample material to get access.

A training is required for independent usage.

Instrument Configuration (download)



You need to be registered and trained to use this instrument.

For analysis of GMO material contact the BIH CCF staff to discuss formalities.

Cancel your booking at least 24 hours ahead of your booking to avoid charges.

Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

 Cell Sorter - AriaFusion "Terpsichore"
Name: Cell Sorter - AriaFusion "Terpsichore"
Resource type: Flow Cytometry Sorter
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

funded by DFG / INST 335/758-1 FUGG

4-Laser Sorter, equipped with 15 fluorescence parameters.

Cells can be sorted in bulk (up to 4 populations simultanously) or as single cells in 96well plates / 384well plates. Index Sorting is available.

Please request a project meeting and upload a registration form for your sample material to get access to cell sorting.

Instrument Configuration (download)



Please request a project meeting to get access to cell sorting services.

Please select your slot and wait for approval. Your booking is not guaranteed until you get notification of approval.


Cancel your booking 48 hours ahead to avoid charges.


For ad-hoc, short notice bookings (next 48 hours) please contact us directly.


Please note: UV-Laser is no longer available on this instrument. See updated configuration here.


Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Eastwood Computer
Name: Eastwood Computer
Resource type: Computer
Provider: AG SiegmundAG Siegmund
Affiliations: Charité
Description: everyone can use it

Comments: everyone can use it

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Benjamin Franklin

Name: Seahorse
Resource type: Cell Analyzer
Provider: AG SiegmundAG Siegmund
Affiliations: Charité
Description: everyone can use it

Comments: everyone can use it

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Benjamin Franklin

OMERO User Access Request (Charité/BIH only)
Name: OMERO User Access Request (Charité/BIH only)
Resource type: Training
Provider: OMERO Microscopy Image Data ManagementOMERO Microscopy Image Data Management
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Request for new users to gain access to the OMERO image repository system (for users internal to Charité/BIH).

Contacts: Omero support

Comments: Please submit access request to get an account on OMERO+ (for users internal to Charité/BIH).

Provider Location: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

OMERO Training course sign-up
Name: OMERO Training course sign-up
Resource type: Request
Provider: OMERO Microscopy Image Data ManagementOMERO Microscopy Image Data Management
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: OMERO training sessions from basics on how to get started with OMERO to more advanced usage topics.
Contacts: OMERO support

Provider Location: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Bruker DPX 400
Name: Bruker DPX 400
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: 400 MHz Protonenresonanz
- Manueller Betrieb,
- Ausgestattet für HR-MAS Messungen,
- Unterschiedliche Probenköpfe.
Die gemessenen Rohdaten können sowohl im BRUKER-TOPSPIN-Format (empfohlen) als auch im JEOL-Delta-Format heruntergeladen werden: (delta).
Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Name: JEOL ECX 400
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: 400 MHz Protonenresonanz
- Direkte automatisch abstimmbarer Messsonde,
- Probenwechsler- und manueller Betrieb,
- Keine VT- Messungen,
- Automatisch messbare Hetereokerne: 31P, 11B und 19F.
Ausserhalb der Servicezeiten steht das Spektrometer eingewiesenen Mitarbeitern zur Verfügung.

Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Bruker AVANCE III 500
Name: Bruker AVANCE III 500
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: 500 MHz Protonenresonanz
- Feldgradienten und Probenkopf für DOSY Experimente,
- BRUKER BCUX für Messungen bis -60 C,
- Probenwechsler- und manueller Betrieb,
- Unterschiedliche Probenköpfe.
Die gemessenen Rohdaten können sowohl im BRUKER-TOPSPIN-Format (empfohlen) als auch im JEOL-Delta-Format heruntergeladen werden: (delta).
Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Name: JEOL ECP 500
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: 500 MHz Protonenresonanz
- Feldgradienten und inverser Messsonde,
- Automatisch abstimmbar,
- Probenwechsler- und manueller Betrieb,
- VT-Messungen.
Die gemessenen Rohdaten können sowohl im JEOL-Delta-Format (empfohlen) als auch im BRUKER-TOPSPIN-Format heruntergeladen werden: (nmr).
Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Bruker AVANCE III 700
Name: Bruker AVANCE III 700
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin

700 MHz Protonenresonanz
- BRUKER Tripleresonanz Cryo- Probenkopf,
- Manueller Betrieb.
Die gemessenen Rohdaten können sowohl im BRUKER-TOPSPIN-Format (empfohlen) als auch im JEOL-Delta-Format heruntergeladen werden: (delta).

Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Name: JEOL ECZ600
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: 600 MHz Protonenresonanz
- Festköper NMR Spektrometer,
- Probenkopf für 3.2 mm Rotoren,
- Geeignet für low gamma Kerne,
- manueller Betrieb.
Die gemessenen Rohdaten befinden sich auf der Netzwerkpartition (nmr).
Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Name: JEOL ECZ600 S
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin

600 MHz Protonenresonanz
- N2 gekühlter Cryo-Kopf für 1H, 19F 13C 31P 29Si 15N.
Die gemessenen Rohdaten können sowohl im JEOL-Delta-Format (empfohlen) als auch im BRUKER-TOPSPIN-Format heruntergeladen werden: (nmr).mt werden.

Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

TEM measurements (FZEM - BSM)
Name: TEM measurements (FZEM - BSM)
Resource type: Service
Provider: Electron microscopy unit - BCPElectron microscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Service to performing TEM measurements (including phase plate, automated data acquisition, and electron tomography) at the Forschungszentrum für Elektronenmikroskopie (FZEM). Decisions on the requests are made by the staff at the FZEM. The requester will be informed of the decision.
Skilled (trained) users can perform non-assisted measurements, otherwise a qualified operator is mandatory, which can be recommended in the request.

Booking of this service is based on the usage policies of the BioSupraMol core facility.
Contacts: Dr. Boris Schade (
Affiliated Communities: TEM users, ACEM
Service to request assisted and unassisted TEM measurements at the FZEM. Approvals of the request by your group head may be required.
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Name: STEM Nion HERMES 200 kV
Resource type: Transmission Electron Microscope
Provider: BeAM - Berlin-Adlershof Center for Advanced MicroscopyBeAM - Berlin-Adlershof Center for Advanced Microscopy
Affiliations: HU Berlin, FHI, HZB, IKZ

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider Location: Berlin

Resource type: Transmission Electron Microscope
Provider: BeAM - Berlin-Adlershof Center for Advanced MicroscopyBeAM - Berlin-Adlershof Center for Advanced Microscopy
Affiliations: HU Berlin, FHI, HZB, IKZ

  • 200 kV, field emission gun
  • UHR pole piece
  • 1k slow-scan CCD camera (Gatan)
  • ASTAR system (NanoMegas) including Beam precession unit, SNBD system, ACOM software
  • BF STEM detector
  • HAADF STEM detector
  • Electron biprism
  • Digiscan system (Gatan)
  • In-column energy filter
  • LN2 free energy dispersive X-ray SD detector (Bruker)

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider Location: Berlin

Oxford Diffraction Xcalibur Nova O
Name: Oxford Diffraction Xcalibur Nova O
Resource type: X-ray Diffractometer
Provider: X-Ray diffraction unit - BCPX-Ray diffraction unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: This Oxford Diffraction Xcalibur Nova O single crystal diffractometer is available for non-assisted measurements for trained persons from FUB. It is equipped a Cu x-ray sources, an Onyx CCD detector, and an Oxford CryojetXL.
Contacts: Dr. Anja Wiesner (

Comments: Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible in three predetermined blocks.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 34-36, 14195 Berlin

Project consultation
Name: Project consultation
Resource type: Consultation
Provider: BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells & OrganoidsBIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells & Organoids
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

To allow sufficient time for all our users and be able to continue developing Core Projects we ask that ALL the meetings to be scheduled in advance through this service request. Please send us a request for a meeting indicating who you want to meet and with suggested time and we will respond promptly with our availability.

These include:

For questions and requests regarding consumables (media, plasticware, chemicals, etc.), cell lines and standard protocols, please contact the technicians.

Contacts: Harald Stachelscheid

Provider UsagePolicy:

Terms of Service
BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells and Organoids

Valid from 24.05.2024

These Terms govern your access to and use of BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells and Organoids (CUSCO) services and equipment. Our Services are offered subject to your acceptance, without modification, of all the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules, and procedures that may be published from time to time by us. You agree that we may automatically upgrade our Services, and the Agreement will apply to any upgrades. Please read the Agreement carefully before accessing or using our Services. By accessing or using any part of our Services, you agree to become bound by the Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms of the Agreement, then you may not access or use our Services.

Your Account

The use of our Services requires an account in the openIRIS system (, hence, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information when you register for an account and keep the information current. This is important because sometimes we may need to send you notable updates. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your account. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your password secure. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with our Services. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result ofsuch acts or omissions. Your account will be active for one year and can then be prolonged. 

In addition, the following must be observed before the account is created:

  1. Before use, a free consultation must take place to assess the need and scope.
  2. Project-related support must be submitted using a project registration in openIRIS and include project title, description of the expected services, and the client.
  3. Access to the Infrastructure and Services of CUSCO is approved only to the Users who have registered their projects and themselves as USERS via openIRIS system and receive the specific introduction by the CUSCO personnel.


Following account activation, you as a CUSCO user, agree to adhere to the following obligations:

  1. with the regulations of the user rules and the specific laboratory and equipment rules (see Service and Equipment).
  2. to attend the annual safety instructions for the necessary laboratory safety levels.
  3. to strictly follow the instructions of the CUSCO staff in the CUSCO rooms and when using the equipment.
  4. to make the CUSCO staff aware of the existence of safety risks related to the experimental material (e.g., pathogenic, infectious, toxic, or radioactive properties or according to Biostoffverordnung (BioStoffV)).
  5. if necessary, to provide evidence of corresponding notifications and approvals (here in particular the approval of the genetic engineering experiments to be carried out or experiments on animals or humans, if necessary, with the approval of the ethics committee) of research projects and experiments. Patient data are to be handled by the user in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations and are to be handed over to CUSCO exclusively in anonymized form.
  6. any work with genetically modified organisms (according to Gentechnikgesetz (GenTG)) is only allowed after a prior approval with the CUSCO director.
  7. if necessary, authorize CUSCO to perform the experiments.
  8. Operate the equipment and perform the experiments only after the instruction of CUSCO staff.


Service and equipment

Within the framework of its available capacities, the CUSCO performs the following services in particular:

  • Project consultation and support
  • Isolation of primary cells from patient material
  • Reprogramming of cells into human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs)
  • Banking, characterization, and quality control of hPSCs
  • Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas
  • Establishment of differentiation protocols
  • Provision of cells differentiated from hiPSCs
  • Establishment of methods for organoid generation and analysis
  • Provision of hiPSC reference cell lines
  • Provision of reagents
  • Provision of infrastructure and equipment
  • Training


In addition, CUSCO manages access to and supports, the shared equipment (specific equipment available is listed in openIRIS).

Equipment managed by CUSCO is available to all CUSCO registered users. By accepting these Terms of Service, the users agree to adhere to the following rules of the equipment use:

  1. Equipment access and training must be requested through openIRIS. Approval of access will be granted only to the users that completed the training.
  2. All equipment available at CUSCO must be booked through openIRIS before use. Use of equipment without booking is strictly forbidden.
  3. Equipment booking expires 30 min after the booking time has begun if the user is not present, but usage fees will apply.
  4. In case the use time exceeds the booking time, additional time must be booked in openIRIS.
  5. Bookings can be made up to a maximum of 14 days before planned use. Cancellation of a booking can be made up to 24 hours before the start of the booked period. Cancellations made after this time may result in usage fees if no other user books this period.
  6. Note that repeated absence during booked time, use of device without booking and/or misuse of equipment will result in user access cancellation.
  7. Users are responsible for immediate removal of data from the CUSCO computers. CUSCO is not responsible for data storage and safety. All data older than four weeks will be automatically deleted from the PCs without further notice.
  8. It is not allowed to store any kind of data anywhere else on the CUSCO computers other than in the respective directories. All data in other locations (for example on the desktop) will be deleted without further notice.
  9. Equipment manuals and accessories must remain with the respective device at any time (PDFs of manuals can be provided on request by CUSCO).
  10. In case of a device malfunction, the CUSCO personnel must be immediately informed. Error messages must be copied or documented by a screenshot and uploaded as an “issue” through openIRIS.
  11. Cells provided to the user must not be shared with other users or researchers outside of the core facility or without consent of the head of CUSCO.



All users are liable according to the legal regulations. This applies in particular to damage caused by failure to comply with the obligations incumbent on the users, by non-clarification of security risks or by non-compliance with binding instructions issued by the staff. The responsibility for the quality of the incoming material or incoming data of a project lies with the user.

The liability of CUSCO towards users is limited to intent and gross negligence. The CUSCO do not assume any warranty for the test material.


Genetically modifies organisms (GMO)

Regulations regarding working with and handling genetically modified organisms or materials containing genetically modified organisms are described in the Federal Republic of Germany by the Genetic Engineering Act (Gentechnikgesetz-GenTG).

All users requesting genetically modified material or genetic modification of iPSCs (Service: genetic modification) and/or bringing and working with genetically modified organisms in the CUSCO facility are required to inform the CUSCO personnel about such work and provide a copy of the official permission and registration of the genetic engineering facility / laboratory.

For Charité internal regulations see: 



Users are obliged to take due account of the work of CUSCO in publications following the generally accepted rules of scientific practice:

  1. In principle, any external work, e.g., the work of CUSCO, must be identified at the appropriate points in scientific work, e.g., in the material and method part. The payment of fees or charges resulting from service does not replace the corresponding labelling of technical or scientific work.
  2. Depending on the scope and complexity of the work or in the case of corresponding collaboration agreements, the CUSCO or individual employees must be considered by mentioning them in the acknowledgment[1] or within the framework of a co-authorship. Co-authorship of CUSCO scientists usually requires a scientific contribution that goes far beyond the mere performance of experiments or analyses.
  3. The CUSCO should be notified before submission of the publication. If necessary, the corresponding files must be made available for inspection beforehand. Also, a copy of the publication in electronic form must be sent to the head of CF Stem Cells after publication.

Exclusion and restriction of use

In particular, the approval for use may be refused, revoked, or further restricted if

  1. no proper application has been submitted
  2. the information in the application is not or is no longer correct
  3. a fixed usage fee is not paid
  4. the regulations for use, the specific laboratory and equipment rules or instructions of CUSCO staff are violated
  5. CUSCO is not mentioned or adequately considered in publications according to chapter „Publications“.

The user is not entitled to claims for damages due to the refusal, revocation, or subsequent limitation of admission.


Service Catalogue / Usage Fees

  • The fees to be paid by the users for CUSCO services can be found in the current list of fees. Special rates apply to external users.
  • For projects regarding technology or method development, including feasibility studies, within the framework of a cooperation, the prices can be reduced or, in exceptional waived at CUSCO staff discretion. Co-authorships of CUSCO staff are expected to be considered in the resulting publications according to their scientific or technical contributions.
  • The user fees are charged after receipt of the services. In the case of internal customers, this is done via internal service charging (interne Leistungsverrechnung, ILV). External users always receive an invoice.
  • Project leaders can request user fees for funding applications (in DFG applications under the item „Requested other costs“, CUSCO is registered in the DFG Database). The team of CUSCO will be available to assist you with the appropriate cost estimation during the application phase.
  • CUSCO reserves the right to issue a partial charge on the failed services. Due to underlying biological limitations, CUSCO is unable to always guarantee the success of the following services:
  • Reprogramming
  • Genome editing
  • Differentiation

CUSCO staff guarantees to perform necessary experimental steps to fulfil the service request. However, in an unlikely event of the service failure, the number of further attempts will be limited as defined by individual service descriptions and the services will be continued only after an explicit confirmation from the User. The user agrees to the payment of charges according to the steps completed by CUSCO in the attempts to fulfil the service.

è The current list of fees is attached as Appendix 3.

Severability clause and validity of the user regulations

The user regulations are binding for all users of CUSCO. Agreements beyond the scope of these Terms of Service are made with external users and must be issued in writing. The Terms of Service are valid in the respective version without limitation until they are replaced by an updated version.



Director: Dr. Harald Stachelscheid


Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

BIH Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells & Organoids

Cranach Haus

Augustenburger Platz 1

13353 Berlin

(Visitors: Föhrer Straße 15)





Appendix 1:  Specific rules for equipment use


  • Users must use personal accounts. Account sharing is not allowed.
  • Personal account will be assigned immediately after user introduction.
  • Calibration of the machine is performed by the CUSCO personnel once a month.

    MACSQuant Tyto FACS Sorter:

    • Users must use personal accounts. Account sharing is not allowed.
    • Workspace set-up and advanced training cannot be provided by CUSCO and must be requested by the user to Miltenyi directly. CUSCO only provides access to the Sorter, an account, and general recommendations for equipment use.
    • Accessories, like Tyto magnet for cartridge load, must be used at CUSCO lab. It is strictly forbidden to remove equipment from CUSCO lab space.
    • No gloves are permitted when working with the system.
    • The computers operating this equipment must not be switched off.  It is critical for the instrument operation that the computers stay active.
    •  Use of the computer for applications other than device control is not allowed.
    • The use of USB storage devices is prohibited.
    • must be trained in the operation of the unit by an experienced user. After this training, CUSCO staff will evaluate the ability of the user to operate the unit properly   and permit access.
    • Measurement data must be transferred to the Columbus server ( or OMERO Server ( immediately after the measurement and removed from the measurement computer.

      Leica inverted Microscope (User Lab):

    • Data must be saved in a folder named after the group/username in the following location:
      “Dieser PC > Dokumente > Folder [Group Name] > [ username]”
  • Data must be saved in a folder named after the group/username in the following location:
    “D:> cap_0.5.1.4182005e > folder [username]”

    QuantStudio 6:

  • Data must be saved in a folder named after the group/username in the following location: “D:UsersPublicDocumentsQuantStudio Real-Time PCR softwareexperiments[Group Name][user name]”

    Opera Phenix, Operetta and Columbus Server

  • All image data should be moved immediately after acquisition to the central OMERO Server ( of the Charité

Picking hood Microscope (User Lab):

  • Data must be directly saved in external source (USB stick) and/or deleted immediately from the computer hard disk after transfer.

Chromium Controller

  • Only the use of the Controller and accessories ad-hoc are allowed (chip holder and vortex with adaptor for beads rack).
  • Accessories must be used at CUSCO lab; it is not allowed to move them somewhere else.

Molecular biology work bench rules

  • Molecular biology bench must be booked via openIRIS when Chromium Controller is used.
  • This bench is reserved for single cell experiments. Cryostat
  • It is mandatory to clean up the device after use with ethanol 80% as it was instructed during the training. Remnants of embedding medium can damage the device.


    Leica LSM SP8

  • Use of the computer for applications other than device control is not permitted.
  • The use of USB storage devices is prohibited.
  • All image data should be moved immediately after acquisition to the central OMERO Server ( of the Charité

INCUCYTE – User rules 

  • It is mandatory to receive training from CUSCO. Training can be booked using OpenIris. 
  • Only the use of a personal account is allowed. 
  • Incucyte software can be downloaded in every Charité PC (instructions will be provided during the training). If needed the Working station (ground floor, room 0.0134) can be used to schedule experiments. It is not permitted to use other CUSCO computers. 
  • Incucyte use is allowed only during booked time slots. Booking has to be scheduled using OpenIris. 
  • Booking is mandatory for the whole time of experiment/the plates are in the Incucyte.  
  • ONly 2 concurrent bookings are possible. Each booking allows the use of 2 (out of 6) Incucyte plate-positions (i.e. 1 user = 1 booking slot = 2 positions of the tray).  
  • 2 (out of 6) spots of the tray are reserved for single scannings (“Scan now” acquisition type). Therefore, those 2 spots HAVE to be free and only used during the single scan (limited time - single time). 
  • Each booking (up to 2 plates) can use a schedule of a maximum of 30 minutes duration per hour.  
  • It is mandatory to leave every 3 hours 1 slot of 30 minutes free for spontaneous measurements   
  • Do book your slots time ahead (preferably 1 week) to avoid undesirable overlapping between users. Booking can be cancelled until 1 hour before it starts (please contact CUSCO member if needed). Booking cancel within 1 hour prior starting will be charged. 
  • Plate loading has to be done carefully and holding the tray from below. 
  • You HAVE to remove your plate after the experiment has finished and delete the acquisition schedule from the Software to allow next measurement. If plate is abandoned (no openIRIS booking visible), CUSCO will discard it without further notice. 
  • If you notice before starting your experiment that water in the incubator is missing or any other anomaly (not signaled by alarm) please contact a CUSCO member. 
  • Data will be deleted every 2 months. During this time you can analyze and archive your data after downloading.  
  • Data export to the ImageArtist server is possible. Please contact CUSCO member to learn how to proceed. 
  • Do not set for acquisition empty wells, focus will not be found and the whole scanning may stop.  


Appendix 2:  Specific rules for use Cell culture labs

  • It is mandatory to book cell culture safety cabinet in openIRIS before use. In case the use time exceeds the booking time, additional time must be booked in openIRIS.
  • Use of PPE (lab coat and gloves) is mandatory in the cell culture labs.
  • User responsibilities:

è Refill general consumables, for example: 80% ethanol, paper tissues, glass pipettes, plastic material, etc.

è Dispose of trash as indicated during lab introduction (white bins, yellow glass containers, already full trash bags).

è Empty liquid waste (vacuum container).

è Inform CUSCO personnel if reagents or consumables are running out (use the white board outside of the cell culture room to leave notices).  Provide enough time before the material is completely consumed.

è Inform CUSCO personnel if any issue with equipment or space is encountered.

è Keep safety cabinets, incubators, water bath and general space clean.

è Re-fill water in incubator if needed using deionized autoclaved water (red cap bottles).

è Only pipette tips with filter are allowed in the cell culture safety cabinets. Please store only one box of pipette tips per size for each bench and make sure they are closed properly when removed from the safety cabinet.


  • It is not allowed to stock a large number of aliquots of reagents from the user projects in the fridge/freezer of the user lab. Keep only what is needed in the space assign to you for a month. Space is limited.
  • All reagents, plates, boxes, etc. must be properly and clearly labelled. The label must include: the Group, Initials and Date. CUSCO personnel will discard all unidentifiable material without further notice.
  • It is not allowed to store samples (DNA, RNA, cell pellets, imaging plates, etc.) in fridge/freezer of the user lab for long term. When a user is not working in the facility anymore (not active) and after notification, we will remove and discard all reagents/samples of the user. Do not store any belongings on the benches/cupboards, they will be removed. It is a common working area.


  • After completion of work:
    • Clean bench and disinfect the surface with 80% ethanol!
    • Clean the tube of the pump first with deionized water and subsequently with 80% ethanol after usage
    • Switch off lamps of the microscopes according to the introduction!
    • If necessary (last user in the cell culture lab), switch off the bench, pump, water bath and microscope.


      • The following materials will be provided by CUSCO and are included in the bench usage fee:

  • Serological Pipettes (5ml, 10ml and 25ml)
  • Falcon Tubes (15ml and 50ml)
  • Plates (6-wells and 12-wells)
  • Filter Tips
  • Ethanol
  • Yellow waste bins
  • Gloves
  • EDTA solution
  • Eppendorf tubes


    Furthermore, the following reagents are provided but must be purchased in openIRIS prior use:

  • Vitronectin
  • ROCK inhibitor
  • mTeSR medium
  • E8 medium




Appendix 3:Price list of CUSCO internal users (billing via ILV)


Description Unit Price [€]
Generation of iPSCs, Banking and Characterisation
Primary cell Isolation Donor 90,00
Derivation of iPSCs from primary cells Donor 3550,00
Banking of iPS cell line (48 vials) cell line 640,00
QC and Characterisation - basic Panel cell line 1230,00
Cell Line Identity (STR Analysis) cell line 150,00
Virtual Karyotyping using a SNP Array cell line 280,00
G-Banding Karyotyping cell line 450,00
Morphology and Viability cell line 290,00
Sterility and Mycoplasma testing cell line 70,00
Marker for undifferentiated iPSCs (IF) cell line 340,00
Marker for undifferentiated iPSCs (FACS) cell line 400,00
Differentiation capacity of hPSCs cell line 640,00
Confirmation of gene editing cell line 80,00
Virologic testing of cultured cells cell line 510,00
Bank of single cell culture adapted hPSC cell line 1710,00
Differentiated Cells and Organoids
Generation of endothelial cells BATCH 1250,00
Generation of hepatocytes PLATE 720,00
Generation of neural stem cells BATCH 1390,00
Generation of iNeurons (NGN2 induced) BATCH 480,00
Celebral organoids - StemCellTech Kit BATCH 1460,00
Generation of human Lung Organoids (hLOA) BATCH 980,00
Passaging and expansion of hLOA BATCH 200,00
Generation of human Intestinal Organoids (hIO) BATCH 580,00
Passaging and expansion of hIO BATCH 420,00
Gene editing and complex projects
Supervision hour 41,00
CRISPR Design cell line 210,00
gRNA Efficiency testing cell line 650,00
CRISPR experiment cell line 530,00
Single cell cloning with IOTA cell line 1000,00
Clone Validation cell line 1380,00


Provision of reagents
E8 Media (500ml) - own production BOTTLE 84,00
E8 Media (500ml) - own production KIT BOTTLE 84,00
mTeSR Media (500ml) - own production BOTTLE 121,00
mTeSR Media (500ml) BOTTLE 395,00
Geltrex Aliquots (10 ml) Aliquot 82,00
Vitronectin Aliquots (600 µl) Aliquot 81,00
ROCK Inhibitor Y-27632 (1 ml) Aliquot 68,00
Provision of cells
Provision of live iPSCs WELL 21,00
Cryopreserved iPCSs VIAL 79,00
Cryopreserved iPCSs - own bank VIAL 15,00
Cryopreserved Neuronal Stem Cells VIAL 30,00
Cryopreserved Endothelial Cells VIAL 44,00
FACS Analyzer MACS Quant VYB hour 13,00
FACS Sorter MACS Quant Tyto hour 26,00
Real-time PCR Quantstudio6 hour 8,00
10X Chromium Controller hour 63,00
Leica Confocal SP8 hour 13,00
Opera Phenix High Content Screener hour 16,00
Opera Phenix High Content Screener-off h hour 5,00
IsoCell hour 27,00
TapeStation hour 8,00
Incucyte SX5 hour 3,00
Cell3Imager Duos hour 13,00
Bench fee - User-Lab hour 10,00
Equipment training hour 47,00
Hands-on training - Basic hPSC culture training 620,00
Hands-on training - iNeurons training 530,00
Hands-on training - NSCOs training 320,00
Hands-on training - hLOA generation training 380,00
Hands-on training - hIO generation training 500,00
Hands-on training - Endothelial cells training 780,00


[1] Please refer to the following formulation example: „This work was supported by the Core Unit pluripotent Stem Cells and Organoids of the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.”

Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

 Cell Sorter - Aurora CS "Luke" - Full Spectrum Sorter
Name: Cell Sorter - Aurora CS "Luke" - Full Spectrum Sorter
Resource type: Flow Cytometry Sorter
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Full Spectrum Cell Sorter


Please request a project meeting to get access to cell sorting services.

Please select your slot and wait for approval. Your booking is not guaranteed until you get notification of approval.


Cancel your booking 48 hours ahead to avoid charges.


For ad-hoc, short notice bookings (next 48 hours) please contact us directly.


Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Zeiss GeminiSEM 500
Name: Zeiss GeminiSEM 500
Resource type: Scanning Electron Microscope
Provider: BeAM - Berlin-Adlershof Center for Advanced MicroscopyBeAM - Berlin-Adlershof Center for Advanced Microscopy
Affiliations: HU Berlin, FHI, HZB, IKZ

  • NanoVP Option
  • In-lens SE detector
  • In-lens EsB detector
  • BSE 4-Quandrant detector
  • STEM detector
  • Bruker XFlash 6|30 EDX system
  • Raith ELPHY Quantum Lithography system
  • costum stages for 4D-STEM

Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider Location: Berlin

Aurora "Lane" - Full Spectrum Analyzer
Name: Aurora "Lane" - Full Spectrum Analyzer
Resource type: Flow Cytometry Analyzer
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

For more information on full spectrum flow cytometry see:




You need to be registered and trained to use this instrument.


Cancel your booking at least 24 hours ahead of your booking to avoid charges.


Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

SR 101 - seminar room (SupraFAB)
Name: SR 101 - seminar room (SupraFAB)
Resource type: Room
Provider: SupraFABSupraFAB
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Small seminar room with tables and 16 seats, equipped with electronic smartboard (mobile). Upgrade with laptop and video camera system is possible. (Webex-)Videomeetings with own laptop possible.

Contacts: Katharina Tebel (

Comments: 16 seats, with tables, equipped with electronic smartboard (mobile).
Recurring bookings are possible; please remember to define the end date!
Laptop and video system can be chosen as add-on throughout the booking procedure.
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Freie Universität Berlin

SR 011 - seminar room (SupraFAB)
Name: SR 011 - seminar room (SupraFAB)
Resource type: Room
Provider: SupraFABSupraFAB
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Small seminar room with tables and 16 seats, equipped with electronic smartboard (mobile) and analog whiteboard (fixed). Upgrade with laptop and video camera system is possible. (Webex-)Videomeetings with own laptop possible.

Contacts: Katharina Tebel (

Comments: 16 seats, with tables, equipped with electronic smartboard (mobile) and analog whiteboard (fixed).
Recurring bookings are possible; please remember to define the end date!
Laptop and video system can be chosen as add-on throughout the booking procedure.
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Freie Universität Berlin

SR 119 - large seminar room (SupraFAB)
Name: SR 119 - large seminar room (SupraFAB)
Resource type: Room
Provider: SupraFABSupraFAB
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Large seminar room without tables, about 100 seats, equipped with a beamer and analog whiteboard (fixed).

Contacts: Katharina Tebel (

Comments: 84 seats, without tables, equipped with a beamer and fixed whiteboard (analog).
Recurring bookings are possible; please remember to define the end date!
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Freie Universität Berlin

 Small meeting point area / Area in front of kitchen (SupraFAB)
Name: Small meeting point area / Area in front of kitchen (SupraFAB)
Resource type: Room
Provider: SupraFABSupraFAB
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Area in front of the large kitchen for small tables / poster area, about 12 couch seats.

Contacts: Katharina Tebel (

Comments: 12 couch seats, area in front of large kitchen level 2.
Recurring bookings are possible; please remember to define the end date!
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Freie Universität Berlin

Add my group to FUB IRIS - FU-Berlin
Name: Add my group to FUB IRIS - FU-Berlin
Resource type: Administration (BSM/SFAB - FU)
Provider: Administration OpenIRIS@FUB (BCP)Administration OpenIRIS@FUB (BCP)
Affiliations: FU Berlin

A group is necessary to assign users to a real working group which can adopt the measurement charges. Therefore, only users assigned to a group are able to book resources.

After installation of your group is finished, please do appoint a second group admin that can take over administrative tasks for the group in OpenIRIS.

Contacts: Dr. Boris Schade (

This request addresses to group heads only.
Adding your group to FUB IRIS by this request is restricted to groups of the department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy (BCP), the department of Physics and the department of Veterinary Medicine.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 36A, 14195 Berlin

14. AMBIO Nikon SoRa Spinning Disk Confocal CSU-W1
Name: 14. AMBIO Nikon SoRa Spinning Disk Confocal CSU-W1
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging Modes

  • Spinning disk confocal (DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, mCherry, TxRED, Cy5)
  • SoRa-mode (Super Resolution by Optical Pixel Reassignment, 1.4x resolution improvement)
  • FRAP/ PA (photo activation/ conversion)
  • Widefield EPI fluorescence mode (DAPI, GFP, TxRED, TRITC-B, Cy5)
  • DIC for 10x, 40x, 60x, 100x objectives (upon request)
  • Live-cell incubator (temperature, CO2, humidity)

 7 Laser Lines

  • 405 nm
  • 445 nm
  • 488 nm
  • 515 nm
  • 561 nm
  • 594 nm
  • 638 nm 


  • 2x Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion digital sCMOS cameras (2304x2304 pixels, 100 fps @ 2304x2048 pixels, 80% QE, 6.5 µm pixel size)
  • Dual-camera system for simultaneous dual-color detection (e.g. GFP/RFP, RFP/SiR, GFP/SiR, upon request)


  • NIS-Elements AR (Advanced Research) including modules for:
  • JOBS (automation)
  • Deconvolution
  • (Artificial Intelligence): denoise, clarify, enhance, segment, convert


  • Nipkow CSU-W for large FOV 1024x1024 px [size in µm for 10x]
  • Uniform spinning disk illumination
  • Enhanced signal-to-noise ratio compared to CSU-X
  • 2 cameras for simultaneous dual-color imaging
  • Fast emission filter wheel for clean multi-color imaging
  • Ultra-fast laser switching for triggered multicolor acquisition
  • SoRa-mode: Enhanced resolution (1.4x) in spinning disk mode
  • Automatic water immersion dispenser (WID)

Emission Filters

Filter λ/Bandwidth
Quadband (DAPI, GFP, mCherry, Cy5) 440/40
DAPI 447/60
CFP 472/30
GFP 525/50
YFP 542/27
mCherry 600/50
Cy5 685/40


Mag. Type Immer. NA WD [μm] Info
10x (not installed) Plan Achroat Air 0.45 4,000 DIC N1 λ OFN25
40x Apo LWD Water 1.15 600 DIC N2 λS
60x Plan Apo Water 1.2 310-280 DIC N2 VC OFN25
60x Plan Apo Oil 1.4 130 DIC N2 λ OFN25
25x Plan Apo Silicone 1.05 550 DIC N2 λS OFN25
40x Plan Apo Silicone 1.25 300 DIC N2 λS OFN25
100x Plan Apo Silicone 1.35 300-290 SR HP DIC N2 λS OFN22


Comments: New users - access upon training request 
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

SR 201 - big meeting point (SupraFAB)
Name: SR 201 - big meeting point (SupraFAB)
Resource type: Room
Provider: SupraFABSupraFAB
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Large seminar room with tables and about 45 seats (more may be possible), equipped with a beamer.
Contacts: Katharina Tebel (

Comments: 45 seats (more may be possible), with tables, equipped with a beamer.
Recurring bookings are possible; please remember to define the end date!
! Bookings become valid only after approval by the staff !

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Freie Universität Berlin

18. AMBIO ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7
Name: 18. AMBIO ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging Modes








Filter (λ, Bandwidth) Sample Fluorophore
LBF 405/ 488/ 561/ 642 All, blocks excitation laser
BP 495-550/ BP 570-620 GFP, mCherry
BP 495-550 +LP655 GFP, Cy5
BP 570-620 +LP655 mCherry, Cy5
BP 495-590 GFP, YFP, mCherry
EF LP 570 mCherry, Cy5


Comments: New users - access upon training request 
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

19. AMBIO ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 Analysis Workstation
Name: 19. AMBIO ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 Analysis Workstation
Resource type: Workstation
Affiliations: Charité

AMBIO ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 Analysis Workstation



  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4 @ 2x 2.20 GHz, 256 GB RAM
  • Graphic: NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000, GPU Memory 24 GB RAM
  • Hard drives: HDD 36 TB, 2x SSD 240 GB


  • Windows 10 64-bit System
  • ZEISS ZEN 3.5 (blue edition)
  • Lattice Lightsheet Processing Module (deskewing, coverglass transformation)
  • arivis Vision 4D software mudule for advanced stitching, channel shift, high resolution volume rendering, and powerful deconvolution
  • Fiji


Comments: Access upon request of analysis project
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Name: EEG-NIRS-System
Resource type: Equipment
Provider: Shared Equipment at CharitéShared Equipment at Charité
Affiliations: Charité
Description: This EEG-NIRS system provides the ideal equipment for neuroimaging in developmental populations. Both EEG and NIRS components have been previously approved in developmental research and can be used in their combined or single application. Electroencephalograpy (EEG): actiCHampPlus 32 (8+) system with active electrodes (Brain Products GmbH) Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS): NIRScout Model 812 & NIRScout S Core System Unit (NIRx Medical Technologies LLC)
Contacts: Prof. Dr. Claudia Männel (,

Comments: If you would like to use the EEG and/or NIRS equipment in our development laboratory, please contact us via email (see contacts).

Provider Location: Berlin

Name: EnviroESCA
Resource type: Spectroscopy
Provider: Surface analytics unit - BCPSurface analytics unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin

Surface elemental analysis at near ambient/UHV conditions.
Booking of the EnviroESCA is restricted to trained key users of the working groups. If you are destined to become a key user for this device for your working group, please contact the resource admin(s).

Contacts: Dr. Philip Nickl (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to key users and are possible at working days. The minimum booking time is 3 hours.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstraße 23A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Resource type: Mass Spectrometer
Provider: Surface analytics unit - BCPSurface analytics unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Surface analysis at near ambient/UHV conditions.
Booking of the IONTOF M6 is restricted to trained key users of the working groups. If you are destined to become a key user for this device for your working group, please contact the resource admin(s). Training can be also requested from the timeline view in the scheduler (top right, booklet symbol).
Contacts: Dr. Philip Nickl (

Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained key users and are possible at working days. Minimum booking time 3 hours.
Sample preparation should be discussed with the measuring person in advance.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstraße 23A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

TGA 8000
Name: TGA 8000
Resource type: Gravimetric analysis
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Thermal gravimetric analysis (heating of the sample rt-1200 °C.)
Contacts: Dr. Christian Halbig (, Jasmin Er (, Taylor Page (, Sofiia Zuieva (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!



Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

IR Spectrum Two
Name: IR Spectrum Two
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin

Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy (IR spectrum from 4000-650 cm-1.)

  • ATR stage available
  • Cuvette holder available
  • Demountable cell available

Contacts: Taylor Page (, Christian Zoister (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days. Minimum booking time 1 hour.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

UV-Vis Lambda 365
Name: UV-Vis Lambda 365
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: UV-Vis Spectroscopy (UV spectrum from 190-1100 nm)
Contacts: Alexander Krappe (, Sebastian Müller (, Taylor Page (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days. Minimum booking time 1 hour.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

Name: MicroCal PEAQ-ITC
Resource type: Calorimeter
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Isothermal titration calorimeter
Contacts: Weronika Malicka (, Prof. Dr. Matthias Ballauff (

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

MicroCal VP-ITC
Name: MicroCal VP-ITC
Resource type: Calorimeter
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: isothermal titration calorimeter
Contacts: Weronika Malicka (, Prof. Dr. Matthias Ballauff (

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

MPT-2 Mehrzweck Titrator
Name: MPT-2 Mehrzweck Titrator
Resource type: Particle size analyzer
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Titrator for atomated DLS measurements
Contacts: Daniel Braatz (, Justin Arenhoevel (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

Zetasizer Ultra "new"
Name: Zetasizer Ultra "new"
Resource type: Particle size analyzer
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Multi-Angle dynamic light Scattering (MADLS), Zeta potential
Contacts: Taylor Page (, Fernanda Romero (, Justin Arenhoevel (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

Zetasizer NanoZS "red"
Name: Zetasizer NanoZS "red"
Resource type: Particle size analyzer
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: dynamic light scattering with possibility to do zeta-potential measurements
Contacts: Taylor Page (, Fernanda Romero (, Justin Arenhoevel (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

Fluorescence FL 6500
Name: Fluorescence FL 6500
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Fluorescence Spectroscopy (excitation and emission wavelength range up to 900 nm)
Contacts: Alexander Krappe (, Jan Soyka (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days. Minimum booking time 1 hour.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Calibration performed 18th March 2024, excitation was off by ~10 nm.

If you have problems with the cooling unit, please contact Dr. Philip Nickl or Jan Soyka. The cooling unit is slightly louder than normal but working.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

QCM-D (Quartz Crystal Microbalance)
Name: QCM-D (Quartz Crystal Microbalance)
Resource type: Other Instruments
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: A quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) is a type of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) based on the ring-down technique. It is used in interfacial acoustic sensing. Its most common application is the determination of a film thickness in a liquid environment (e.g., adsorbed protein layer, SAMs). It can be used to investigate further properties of the sample, most notably the layer's softness.
Contacts: Andrea Cosimi, (, Peng Tang (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

Proteomic MS Analysis of Biomaterials
Name: Proteomic MS Analysis of Biomaterials
Resource type: Mass Spectrometer
Provider: Imaging Mass Spectrometry UnitImaging Mass Spectrometry Unit
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Proteomic characterization of therapeutic biomaterials (ECM, scaffolds and patches), tissue biopsies by using high standardized and robust LC-Based Mass Spectrometry.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin

Proteomics MS-Analysis of  therapeutic cell products
Name: Proteomics MS-Analysis of therapeutic cell products
Resource type: Mass Spectrometer
Provider: Imaging Mass Spectrometry UnitImaging Mass Spectrometry Unit
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Proteomic characterization of therapeutic cell products (e.g., Immune cells) by using high standardized and robust LC-Based Mass Spectrometry.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin

Imaging Mass Spectrometry of FFPE Tissue section
Name: Imaging Mass Spectrometry of FFPE Tissue section
Resource type: Imaging
Provider: Imaging Mass Spectrometry UnitImaging Mass Spectrometry Unit
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: In situ tissue assessment of spatial molecular signatures by MALDI-Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MALDI-MSI) to aid in the development of classifiers for therapy stratification and diagnosis/prognosis. This workflow includes: 1) tissue slicing, 2) tissue pre-preparation 3), MALDI-MSI analyses and chemical staining (e.g., HE for data co-registration).

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin

Seminar Room 001
Name: Seminar Room 001
Resource type: Room
Provider: Fachbereich VeterinärmedizinFachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Large Seminar Room


Provider Location: Berlin

Seminar Room 114
Name: Seminar Room 114
Resource type: Room
Provider: Fachbereich VeterinärmedizinFachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Small Seminar Room

Comments: 15 seats (more may be possible), equipped with a smartboard.
Recurring bookings are possible; please remember to define the end date!
Request based booking !

Provider Location: Berlin

Idea office appointment
Name: Idea office appointment
Resource type: Meeting Room
Provider: Idea OfficeIdea Office
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Booking a meeting to discuss: - Contacts to Charité-internal Idea-Office - Information on "patents" - Information on intellectual property rights – queries on contract administration and management - Information on subsidiary programs and funds - Assistance in filing an application - Contact to companies - Information on "spin-off creation" - Information on "regulatory affairs"

Comments: Please select a 15 Minute slot. If the timeslot does not work for you please contact us ( and

Provider Location: Charité BIH Innovation - The technolgy transfer of BIH and Charité

Register my group with FB Veterinärmedizin
Name: Register my group with FB Veterinärmedizin
Resource type: Administration
Provider: Fachbereich VeterinärmedizinFachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Affiliations: FU Berlin

If your group is not yet installed in OpenIRIS, it will be created concurrently, if your group is from FUB. External groups, however, must be created by their home institution before access to FB Veterinärmedizin can be provided.
In case of a representative puting the request, the group head must sign the form, which thereafter must be sent to Benjamin-F. Hempel ( or Andreas Nerlich ( Please do also appoint a second group admin that can take over administrative tasks for the group in OpenIRIS.


Comments: Group access to FB Veterinärmedizin is necessary to allow all group members to book resources of the core facility.
Preferably, the request should be put by the group head.

Provider Location: Berlin

Leica Stellaris 8
Name: Leica Stellaris 8
Resource type: Microscope
Provider: Shared Equipment at CharitéShared Equipment at Charité
Affiliations: Charité

Imaging modes

  • Scanning confocal (including XZ direction scans)
  • Wide field (DAPI, FITC, YFP, RHOD, TXR)
  • Video-imaging up to 60 fps
  • TauSense, TauSeparation, TauGating: functional imaging based on arrival times
  • FRAP 
  • Live-cell incubator (temperature, CO2, humidity)
  • Spectral scans
  • Lightning mode (near super-resolution)

Lasers and max. intensities out of 60x oil objective

  • 405 nm 
  • White light laser: 440-700 nm (pulsed)

Emission Filters



  • AOBS scanner


  • 2x Power Hybrid Detektor HyD S
  • 2x Power Hybrid Detektor HyD X
  • Transmission light detector (DIC, phase)
  • Spectral detection


Mag.TypeImmer.NAWD [μm]Info
10xHC PL FLUOTARAir0.311,000 
20xHC PL FLUOTARAir0.55 
20xHC PL APOWater (multi imm)0.75670
40xHC PL APOOil1.30240
63xHC PL APOWater1.20300motCorr
2.5xHC PL FLUOTARAir0.079,200


  • Super Z-galvo stage
  • High precision LMT scanning stage
  • Automatic water immersion for long-term imaging
  • Resonant scanner for fast imaging

Contacts: Dr. Anita Balázs (

Comments: To get access to the microscope please click on the request access icon.

Provider Location: Berlin

20. AMBIO STED Abberior Facility Line
Name: 20. AMBIO STED Abberior Facility Line
Resource type: Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Sigma 6-16KS
Name: Sigma 6-16KS
Resource type: Centrifuge
Provider: Eigler LabEigler Lab
Affiliations: FU Berlin

Refrigerated benchtop centrifuge.



Contacts: Christian Halbig (

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Altensteinstraße 23A 14195 Berlin, Tel. 838 63201

Name: SONOPULS HD-3100
Resource type: Sonicator
Provider: Eigler LabEigler Lab
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Ultrasonic homogeniser
Contacts: Christian Halbig (

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Altensteinstraße 23A 14195 Berlin, Tel. 838 63201

Thermo Q Exactive HF (LC-MS)
Name: Thermo Q Exactive HF (LC-MS)
Resource type: Mass Spectrometer
Provider: Bio Mass Spectrometry unit - BCPBio Mass Spectrometry unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer
Contacts: Dr. Benno Kuropka (

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Thielallee 63, 14195 Berlin

bioMS measurements (bioMS - BSM)
Name: bioMS measurements (bioMS - BSM)
Resource type: Mass Spectrometry
Provider: Bio Mass Spectrometry unit - BCPBio Mass Spectrometry unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Every request demands a brief description of the sample and the preparation protocol, and must be approved by the group head of the requester. Only after this confirmation, the service can be initiated. We will then, together with the requester, decide on the necessary steps prior to the data acquisition.

Contacts: Dr. Benno Kuropka (

Request of a bioMS measurement project is open to all users.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Thielallee 63, 14195 Berlin

Bruker D8 Venture
Name: Bruker D8 Venture
Resource type: X-ray Diffractometer
Provider: X-Ray diffraction unit - BCPX-Ray diffraction unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: This Bruker D8 Venture single crystal diffractometer is available for non-assisted measurements for trained persons from FUB. It is equipped with two x-ray sources (Cu and Mo), a Photon II detector, and an oxford cryostream 700.
Contacts: Dr. Anja Wiesner (

Comments: Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible in three predetermined blocks.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 34-36, 14195 Berlin

OMERO Collab Group Request
Name: OMERO Collab Group Request
Resource type: Request
Provider: OMERO Microscopy Image Data ManagementOMERO Microscopy Image Data Management
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Request to create a collaboration group in OMERO.
Contacts: Omero support


Request to create a collaboration group in OMERO.

Provider Location: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Circular Dichroism Spectrometer (Olis DSM 20)
Name: Circular Dichroism Spectrometer (Olis DSM 20)
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: Analytics Lab SupraFAB - BCPAnalytics Lab SupraFAB - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Olis DSM 20 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer

Contacts: PhD Kenichi Ataka (, Eunjin Moon (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible at working days. Minimum booking time 1 hour.
Booking through OpenIris as well as filling the log book are required for the tracking the users of the device.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

To request a training click on any time and write in comments the responsible person who gave you the introduction

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB (FU-Berlin), Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin, room 220

Kibron MicroTrough XS
Name: Kibron MicroTrough XS
Resource type: Coater
Provider: Eigler LabEigler Lab
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Langmuir-Blodgett trough
Contacts: Christian Halbig (

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Altensteinstraße 23A 14195 Berlin, Tel. 838 63201

Glovebox Surface Analytics Lab 028
Name: Glovebox Surface Analytics Lab 028
Resource type: Lab Space
Provider: Surface analytics unit - BCPSurface analytics unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin

Preparation, handling and storage of air- or moisture-sensitive samples under nitrogen atmosphere.
Booking of the glovebox is restricted to trained key users. If you are destined to become a key user for this device for your working group, please contact the resource admin(s).

Contacts: M.Sc. Jasmin Er (, Dr. Philip Nickl (


Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to key users and are possible at working days.
!Bookings are possible only for trained users!

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstraße 23A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Tube Furnace Nabertherm
Name: Tube Furnace Nabertherm
Resource type: Heating
Provider: Eigler LabEigler Lab
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: Nabertherm with B410 controller

Comments: Temperature 1200 °C

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Altensteinstraße 23A 14195 Berlin, Tel. 838 63201

Axio Imager Vario
Name: Axio Imager Vario
Resource type: Microscope
Provider: Core Facility for Electron MicroscopyCore Facility for Electron Microscopy
Affiliations: Charité
Description: Suitable for LM questions from semithin section to IFM.
Affiliated Communities: ACEM

Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM) and Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK), Berlin

MicroCT RX-Solutions
Name: MicroCT RX-Solutions
Resource type: Other Instruments
Provider: Dentistry Research GroupsDentistry Research Groups
Affiliations: Charité
Description: With the EasyTom S, one simple scan allows you to see through your parts: internal/external structures, defects, porosities... visualize, measure, and analyze whatever the sample.

Provider Location: Berlin, Germany

Aurora "Paris" - Full Spectrum Analyzer
Name: Aurora "Paris" - Full Spectrum Analyzer
Resource type: Flow Cytometry Analyzer
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: 5-Laser full spectrum analyzer


You need to be registered and trained to use this instrument.


Cancel your booking at least 24 hours ahead of your booking to avoid charges.

Provider UsagePolicy:

The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin

Device 3 Access Form
Name: Device 3 Access Form
Resource type: Form
Provider: Test ProviderTest Provider
Affiliations: Charité, BIH
Description: Access form to get Device 3 access

Comments: Please submit form to get access to Device 3

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Charite

Service measurement XPS (SA unit - BSM)
Name: Service measurement XPS (SA unit - BSM)
Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: Surface analytics unit - BCPSurface analytics unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: abc
Contacts: Dr. Philip Nickl (mail:; phone: 58037)

Comments: You apply for assisted surface characterization (service measurement) at the Surface Analytics Unit. The surface characterization of compounds/materials is charged. By this request you accept the obligation of coverage of the costs for the measurements. User fees are listed here: You will be contacted as soon as possible to discuss further proceeding.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstraße 23A, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Resource type: X-ray Diffractometer
Provider: X-Ray diffraction unit - BCPX-Ray diffraction unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: This Oxford Diffraction Xcalibur Nova O single crystal diffractometer is available for non-assisted measurements for trained persons from FUB. It is equipped a Cu x-ray sources, an Onyx CCD detector, and an Oxford CryojetXL.
Contacts: Dr. Anja Wiesner (

Comments: Please note the restricted access to this instrument!
Bookings are restricted to trained users and are possible in three predetermined blocks.

Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Fabeckstraße 34-36, 14195 Berlin

12. AMBIO Zeiss Upright LSM 900 Airyscan 2
Name: 12. AMBIO Zeiss Upright LSM 900 Airyscan 2
Resource type: Confocal Microscope
Affiliations: Charité

AMBIO Zeiss Upright LSM 900 Airyscan 2


Compact confocal for gentle multiplex (multi-channel, XYZT-dimensions, automation) imaging:


Imaging modes





Comments: Access upon request of analysis project
Provider UsagePolicy:
Provider Contact:
Provider Location: Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), CharitéCrossOver (CCO), Rm 01-306, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Resource type: Spectrometer
Provider: NMR spectroscopy unit - BCPNMR spectroscopy unit - BCP
Affiliations: FU Berlin
Description: 400 MHz Protonenresonanz
- Direkte automatisch abstimmbarer Messsonde,
- Probenwechsler- und manueller Betrieb,
- Keine VT- Messungen,
- Automatisch messbare Hetereokerne: 31P, 11B und 19F.
Ausserhalb der Servicezeiten steht das Spektrometer eingewiesenen Mitarbeitern zur Verfügung.

Contacts: Mario Schubert (

Provider Location: Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Mass Cytometer (CyTOF) "Tangerine"
Name: Mass Cytometer (CyTOF) "Tangerine"
Resource type: Mass Cytometer
Provider: Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)Flow & Mass Cytometry Core Facility (BIH CCF)
Affiliations: Charité, BIH

Flow Cytometry and Mass Spectrometry fell in love and a new technology was born: Mass Cytometry, the best of both worlds.

As in conventional flow cytometry, cells within a heterogeneous sample are analysed on the single cell level for a multitude of parameters. However, instead of using fluorochrome-labelled antibodies to bind to the antigen of interest and being limited to the number of spectrally resolvable fluorochromes, mass cytometry uses metal isotope-labelled antibodies that are analysed by their time-of-flight (TOF). This allows for the analysis of currently >40 parameters per cell and a deep profiling of phenotype and function of cells.

funded by DFG: INST 335/453-1 FUGG



Usage of mass cytometry (suspension and imaging) can be requested in "services".

    Please contact the core facility at least 6 weeks before starting new projects to discuss technical details and instrument availability.



    Provider UsagePolicy:

    The user guidelines have been updated. Updated user guidelines and current services and prices can be found on our website

    With this you confirm that you are aware of and accept the updated version of the user guidelines and price list.


    Provider Contact:
    Provider Location: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) & Campus Charité Mitte (CCM), Berlin